Hello folks!

Hi everyone!

I completed my interview with Goat on Tuesday night but haven’t yet taken the time to familiarise myself with the community due to work constraints, but I’d like to say hey and introduce myself a little bit! :slight_smile:

So my name is Drav, I am from Edinburgh in Scotland and I’m 22 years old. I love video games and I own a ridiculous amount, and in real life I love hiking. I’ve played Arma for just over 300 hours but I’ve never been a member of a clan before, so this is my first time and I’m really excited!

Hopefully we’ll get to know each other over the period of my stay here (which I hope will be long and awesome), I’m certainly looking forward to meeting and playing with you guys.

See you on the battlefield :slight_smile:

Hey Drav,

Welcome to Carpe Noctem hope you will find your place here. We are all pretty friendly so see you soon on your first OP :), just don’t stand near [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/11585258/avatar/small.1412003243.jpeg” name=“Chris”]11585258[/user] he tends to attracts a lot of bullets, but we still love him.


Hi and welcome!

I’m assuming you have a Scottish accent. How heavy is it, from 1 to EvilScotsman? :LOL:

I’m not quite Billy Connolly, maybe Ewan McGregor in Trainspotting kind of accent? Man, that speaks really poorly about me :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey there, welcome to our humble little community, I hope to see you around in many events in the future.

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