Hello and thanks


Just wanted to say thanks for adding me to this group. I have already learned so much and everyone is so friendly. I can’t wait to attend my first event! I finished installing all the mods(finally) and passed the test with John. Just waiting on my first invite!

Awesome, we’re glad to have you with us. :slight_smile:
As for the operations: you’ll get invites as soon as new ones go out, but in the meantime you are free to join the operations that are already planned. Just post a comment under the event that you’ll be attending.

Great to have you! Abuk will send you the invitations once he’s around.

Note for interviewers: please include me in the completed mod assessment private message that you send to Abuk.

Invitations sent. Hope to see you soon on our OP’s!

Awesome! I’ll definitely be there tomorrow.

Make sure you are there on time so the server isnt full. Good to have you here Sam :slight_smile:

I will be there! I saw the schedule for coop events in the teamspeak. Join room "not in game yet" and the server 15 minutes before start…

Even better if you’re there 30 minutes beforehand, but that’s optional.

Do make sure to have your mods checked by someone from the Interviewing branch, or a JrNCO if none from the branch are available. You need to have your mods set up and your game working at least 1 hour prior to the event, we don’t give mod support after that point.

I’m looking forward to playing with you tomorrow, Sam.

Mods already tested with John from the interview team. Working perfectly, and thanks