Hello, again

Hey guys,

My name is Obi. Some of you might remember me, some of you might not, and some of you I’ve probably never met. I ran with CNTO in the past, did some leading, some officer work, and made some missions. I left a while back due to personal reasons and started up with another unit. Recently, due to some Real Life stuff, I decided that it would be best to leave that unit and come back over here for some good arma fun with less of a commitment and on a day that works better for me.

Looking forward to hopping back in on ops and seeing where CNTO has taken itself since I’ve been gone. Thanks for having me back.


Welcome back mate look forward to seeing you on OP’s again soon.


Good to hear from you again Obi!

You will be surprised Obi. It’s great to have you back and I look forward to playing with you again. I say we schedule a DnD session to celebrate!

Welcome back my friend.

Few things that changed last time you were here :

My name is gunnery sergeant Hartman and I will be your drill instructor. From now on you’ll speak only when spoken too and… :slight_smile:

Ok, enough bad jokes. Seriously though :

Events are Tuesday and Friday nights at 2000 CET.
Our squad is now 4+4+2 - two fireteams, medic and squad leader.
We have two different Ssgt and one old who is prone to burning stuff and somewhat himself.
Freghar has created a system for mission making that is very easy to use.
Everyone is allowed to make missions but it needs to get reviewed by Dachi, Xander or me. No, you can’t have dinosaurs on Friday missions.
Dachi is organizing trainings with Berenton.
Croatians are numerically prevalent and we plan to take over this community. Cue bad puns, ingame arguments and occasional outbursts of native Klingon language on the teamspeak.

And yes, we still do dick jokes. Last Tuesday night Anders would be proud of us.

Welcome back!

With Frogs

[quote user_id=“13688253” avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/13688253/avatar/medium.1433248519.jpeg” name=“Highway”]Welcome back my friend.

Few things that changed last time you were here :

My name is gunnery sergeant Hartman and I will be your drill instructor. From now on you’ll speak only when spoken too and… :slight_smile:

Ok, enough bad jokes. Seriously though :

Events are Tuesday and Friday nights at 2000 CET.
Our squad is now 4+4+2 - two fireteams, medic and squad leader.
We have two different Ssgt and one old who is prone to burning stuff and somewhat himself.
Freghar has created a system for mission making that is very easy to use.
Everyone is allowed to make missions but it needs to get reviewed by Dachi, Xander or me. No, you can’t have dinosaurs on Friday missions.
Dachi is organizing trainings with Berenton.
Croatians are numerically prevalent and we plan to take over this community. Cue bad puns, ingame arguments and occasional outbursts of native Klingon language on the teamspeak.

And yes, we still do dick jokes. Last Tuesday night Anders would be proud of us.

Welcome back![/quote]

Thanks for the run-down, Sergeant. Looking forward to fire my weapon in anger with you once more.

Holy crap… Obi is back

Welcome back! :cool:

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