Hello again I guess :)

Hello everyone, I see this community is very much alive and going strong!! I was an ex recruit that failed to join the community, was underaged back then and probably too immature for the fixed schedule. This in turn made me often be a little late for operations or be AFK in the middle of one, putting my whole squad in danger for having to protect me and also ruining their fun. Since my behaviour was not the best for this community(in-game at least) I failed to get votes from the members(no wonder :D) and got discharged.

In the meantime I’ve kept playing ARMA3 pretty much daily if not once every 2 days, it is a lot of fun but alone or just with a few friends it’s far from what the game has to offer. Singleplayer missions are often dull and multiplayer servers are a deathmatch with everyone going all "Rambo" in king of the hill and other game modes. I have also looked around for a community like this, but have never been able to find one that does not take itself too seriously.

So here I am, with a new PC and now being 1 month shy of being the advised age for the community, I hope I improoved enough gameplay and personality-wise to maybe get a second chance. Was wondering if I could get a second chance, ofc having to retake every grunt and recruit quallification once more and every test that comes with it. This community is basically the only one I could find in all this time that is not too serious but also not…cancerous should I say.

Best regard, Alex.

Hello Alex,
You can always put in another application but in cases like this it’s generally up to the interviewing manager/ssgts. If you haven’t heard anything from anyone else reply here and I’ll make sure it’s looked at and get you an answer, one way or the other.

Thing is if I click on the "Apply to join CNTO" it says thank you for applying without me actually applying (writing the stuff in the application, I don’t even get the chance). I probably can’t make another account either so i don’t really know what to do.

Thanks in advance Goat :smiley:

Should I just join TS3 and sort it there?

I’ve sent out a few messages, hopefully you’ll hear from someone soon.

Hi alex, i sent you a PM about how to proceed :slight_smile:

Maybe you should make a forum post on how to proceed cuz I too had the same thing as Alex and was lucky enough to have Dachi reinstate my legacy :smiley:

Self-discharges usually mean a simple request to re-join. Inactivity discharges require a reapplication (preferably including why you will now be active). Behaviour discharges are almost certainly permanent.

Self-discharges usually mean a simple request to re-join. Inactivity discharges require a reapplication (preferably including why you will now be active). Behaviour discharges are almost certainly permanent.[/quote]
I see, but maybe a sticky thread in the discharge section with that would help out the few people that reapply (unless such a thing is already there).

I’ll include it in discharge forum.

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