Headset/speaker issue


Did a fresh install of my pc. Download the Realtek drivers, and made sure that i setup the headset & speakers as 2 seperate inputs. Problem is that my Realtek my headset registers and wants to assign it, which i do.
However, it doesn’t work in any way. Tried everything, but can’t get it to work. Microphone & headset don’t give through, but when i use it with another device it works fine.

Any idea’s?

I think you’re gonna have to disable the other device in ‘Playback devices’ in order to get audio on the other one. Observe where exactly the headset is plugged in and just disable the other one, regardless of what it’s called.

I have to do the same thing when I want my sound to go thru HDMI on the TV - disable the headset. If I want to switch back to headset, gotta disable HDMI and enable Speakers.

on my previous build this wasn’t neccesary. I could easily plug in my headset and still use my speakers.
Idk, maybe it’s a driver issue.