HDP - Hrvat Drinking Party (16.07-23.07)

Yeah but what about the sex dungeon ?

Summoning [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/4259784/avatar/small.1400079666.png” name=“Anders”]4259784[/user]

What you wanna know about me sex dungeon?

How did you build it without the neighbours noticing?

Sex dungeon? … The cave you enter from the back? … Didn’t know Anders had one.

They did Goat. I just gave them all a summerhouse and they were fine with it.

If you ask me I didn’t notice anything Anders. Now, where’s my summer house?

D[quote user_id=“1171274” avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/1171274/avatar/medium.1413819128.jpeg” name=“Abuk”]If you ask me I didn’t notice anything Anders. Now, where’s my summer house?[/quote]

Just off the M1 at a little place called "Keep Dreaming" :wink: