Greetings from the cold north

Greetings everyone.

My introduction here comes before my application.

My name is Mike, and I come from the cold north.
(Denmark is really cold sometimes tho… bbrbbrbbr.)

I haven’t sent my Application yet, because of the tiresome waiting time for my new laptop.
I used to own a dekstop which worked fine, but after lending it to a friend, it suddenly didn’t work anymore.
(There’s a longer story behind me lending it away. Short version -> I travelled to the other side of the world for 6 months)
But all of this is a story for another day. (All-tho you can ask if you’re curious)

Then, when I got home, I got a full-time job, which took all of my time.
Though learning to manage my time as best as I could, then I finally found time to order a computer.

I currently work as a Business Advisor for a Tele company in Denmark.
Here I advise, and support our customers as best as I can.

Im also a bartender for a cocktail, and international nightclub in Copenhagen. (Im currently on a little break, since my work offered me some leadership and leadership in sales courses, at an academy and university level.)

Recently I enrolled in our National Guard as a voulenteer, where I will start my training.
April next year, im set to have my start in the Royal Guard in Copenhagen.

Im a young guy, with 22 years on my back - I actually recently turned 22. (2nd of april)
yaay me.

I have a few hobbies, som larger that others.
My biggest passion is photography and videography, and I have been in this field for the last 9 years.

Also I play a bit of Paintball on the side, its just pure fun.

Well, that was a little about me.
Im looking forward to learning a little about you guys.

Feel free to shoot at me with any questions you can.
I will do my best to answer them all.

Better get back to work. :wink:

This is me btw.

I’m looking forward to reviewing your application :slight_smile:
we have quite a few Danes here already :wink:
Best regards

Velkommen til (Når du nu bliver accepteret :wink: )

Now I’ll switch to English so Clarke and Ryujin won’t get mad (Love you guys)

Really looking forward to meeting you. It’s always nice to see the amount of danes expand and to see a fellow bartender is a plus too. Can I ask what club you’re working at? I only do private parties but I’d love to work at a club or bar one day.

But yeah I hope you’ll like it here. Both the missions and the people (although that has never been a problem).

See ya soon :wink:

Hej ! Det er rart at møde dig! Har ikke noget imod dette tåbelige google oversættelse! :slight_smile:

See Anders? I can do that crap too! And you always forget about me ;<

Cheers Viking, looking forward to playing with you! Good introduction on your side, its a rarity to see such open approach :slight_smile:

Hi Guys!

Im away for a few hours and this post is already taking off! Crazy! :smiley:

Dusky, you’ll have my application soon. You know, transport… :frowning:
Anders, mange tak for velkomsten.
I work as a bartender in Copenhagen at Penthouse, which used to be called Diskotek IN for a few years back.
Im quite sure that I will enjoy being a part of this family!

Abuk, you’re getting there, or is that google translate? :wink:
Looking forward to play with you guys too!

Im an open person, so all kinds of questions are allowed! :smiley:

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