General Discussion Forum in the Community Section.

Hey guys,

Just wanted to bring up that all our discussions with general members are always public is there a possibility of getting a general discussion in the community section so we can keep some stuff private from outsiders, does anyone else agree.

Would You like a private discussions forum for members only?

My only concern is that we then have everything in the private section, though I get the idea.

Can i re-vote … i miss-clicked the button!

I think, most of the important stuff, that only should be able to seen by members of CNTO has already its place in the Forums! But sometimes, there is not community related stuff I would like to keep in the Community anyway … so it would be nice to have one privater section!

i’m thinking about a post i made some time ago Weekend- City Travels, and yeah … there are maybe some informations we don’t want to share with everyone…

[quote user_id=“12591864” avatar=“” name=“Dachi”]Hey guys,

Just wanted to bring up that all our discussions with general members are always public is there a possibility of getting a general discussion in the community section so we can keep some stuff private from outsiders, does anyone else agree.

Would You like a private discussions forum for members only?[/quote]
Don’t forget to contact your proxy (JrNCO) for the actual request!

It was mainly for things like Dulabu has mentioned like meeting up with one another, or community only chats that not every Tom, Dick and Harry can see.

[quote user_id=“13633351” avatar=“” name=“Freghar”]
Don’t forget to contact your proxy (JrNCO) for the actual request![/quote]

Yes Freghar this is just to see if anyone else feels the same way or would want one, I am not the type of person to request something if it is only benificial to myself.

My reasoning behind this was I would see if people want this and then send a message to my JNCO with this thread as back up to my request.
