First official CNTO meetup ! Pictures inside

So yesterday we had our first official CNTO meet up. Unfortunately everyone had to work the next day so there wasnt much alcohol involved. But it was really good. We visited a fair and some of us did some shooting and followed procedures.
Pictures below, videos are still uploading and I will update this thread when its done. Sorry these are all the pictures I got, Jimmy messed up a shit ton of them because he sucks. You would think with a name like Jimmy Hendrix he actually knows art but meh.


Ionaru following some procedures and did some firing drills.

Inside a rollercoaster.

Chris and Cleo (2 of my friends linked up with us) Went in this monstrosity.

Eistee drinking Icetea ?

I think Chris tried to show his ass here not sure.

Group picture.

Spoils of war. Baby owlets as CNTO mascot ??

PS This is the guy that messed up the pictures. Look at him, I mean look at him ! Sexy eh.


I would like to thank Clarke for using some of the contributor money for organizing an entire fun fair just for us.

Also, does anyone see the spooky ghost on the bottom right corner of the last picture? 2 sp00ky 4 me

Wait a second who’s who here? Chris is the sexy beast with the neclace, Shiny is the hot guy with the long hair, Ionaru is the badass gun guy and Eistee is the sexy icetea drinker but who’s the guy in the bottom of the group pic?

By the way Eistee I love your army watch style :wink:

That is Volc, master of, of, of being Volc.

That’s 670040

I’m sloooooooow

Okay nice got it!

Wish I could have been there even though I hate fairs

I hate fairs to Anders. Anyway videos inside !

You all look exactly like I imagined! Such sexy dudes!

Haha glad you all met up looks like a good time maybe one day we become bigger than Shack Tac and have a CNTO-A-CON for all the guys to meet up, make it bigger than Comicon :thumb:

It was awesome, glad i could make it.
Like previously said, we should do a bigger event with multiple days. Might be nice to pick out a central point in Europe and try to get as many people as possible there. :smiley:

Well, i’ll be up in london as of midway through september, so the brits should have one, too!

I’ll be up in London, well all the time. So we should pick a date. We could do a doodle with whoever’s interested.

Can get to London easy get a doodle up.

As I said, I’ll be moving up somewhen during mid September (need to sort a place out and fuck you all you estate agents) and my new job starts late September, so it would probably be an October meet up for me. If I remember I will put up a doodle once I am settled in.

Where abouts in London are you looking at? Where will your job be based?

Job is near Westminster, I’ve not got any real preference, except that if the google maps overlay for "Gang Territory" has a section, I’m not living there.
I have been looking at the Tooting area, the Northern Line is one of the wonderful ones that will be 24 hours, and a half hour/45 minute commute is fine by me.

Funnily enough I live in Tooting. It’s a nice area, a bit up and coming-ish compared to say Balham or Clapham. While an extra few stops on the tube, being a few stops earlier getting on at morning rush hour makes a huge difference. I lived near Clapham South and Clapham Common before that and on busy mornings (or if there’s a bit of a delay) it can be a bit of a nightmare watching full trains go by.

I’m near Tooting Bec, but if I was you I’d probably want to be more around Tooting Broadway. There’s a bit more going on in terms of pubs, shops, restaurants, etc.

Oh and check this fibre broadband map. You should be fine but I’m in a crappy deadzone with no fibre,

@Shiny: You look so awesome dude :smiley:

Brussels is a fine place people, I could show you around :wink:

Intact out

As an update to my moving situation: fuck estate agents.

Welcome to London.

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