Extended CQB training / CQB Qualification

Okay, I’ve got the training plan ready for an extended CQB training. It’s going to be two trainings and an Op. People who attend all three sessions will get the CQB Qualification. Everyone who’s interested, please vote which days work the best for you.

How soon do we intend to run this? Because I’m going into one final extremely busy period of work before I leave for good on the 23rd, but I’m really hyped for this series of ops.

Probably not in the next couple of weeks. I want to have it in the event calendar early enough and I’ll anyways have to do some research about the maps and enemies before the training. I think you’ll be fine.

I like the idea, but i think it’s pretty hard for me to commit on 3 events. When i have time and im online, i would join. But my workschedule is different every week. =(

Doesn’t work for me next week due to exercise. Likely friday evening and forward that week. I’d like to particapate in it all and hopefulle work som standards into our little unit.

Won’t be available as well on Mondays from two weeks on, I really don’t care about the shiny badge but maybe the training could be repeated in different days in a couple of months because I believe it would significantly increase our performance.

I intend to host these trainings every now and then and also to keep everything fresh in mind by hosting CQB ops (as soon as I learn some MM) and miniops.

Right now it looks like the trainings will be on Mondays starting on the 25th. I’ll give people a bit more time to respond to this poll before setting the date.

I have a small request. Can we make it tough and PvP oriented because I believe most people would definitely benefit from it and use it in 95% of other games?

Urban combat against AI is not challenging enough. I’d like you to prepare the unit for some future events against other communities. Plus if you know how to beat human enemy, you’ll definitely steamroll AI. Combat should naturally be asymmetric where attackers have a force ratio in their advantage.

I will use player controlled enemies as much as possible, but prepare to face at least some AI also.
Seeing how we mostly play against AI I will be also teaching how to do stuff against large numbers of AI, but the main focus is on how to do stuff correctly and against realistic opposition.
Afterall, I wasn’t trained to fight against AI :wink: