End Game Coop/PvP - Now in Zargabad with Cnto Coop Repo


i finished the port of the ‘End Game’ 16 Coop/PvP Mission to Zargabad. You might know the game mode from the Marksman DLC. End Game
The mission is located in Kavala and after a while, one might like to change that.

Bohemia has still not disclosed the Kavala Mission (decrypted) pbo itself, but they have included all the mission modules needed to recreate the game mode : MP End Game Mission Modules.

For whoever wants to have a hand on this and may be port it to another favorite map, it’s not that difficult and feel free to contact me.

For all the others who only want to play it, I’ll going to host a game after the monday training, tomorrow. I can welcome 15 players max. If that final test round (it should be pretty smooth already) works well, I am going to ask to have it uploaded to the CNTO server for downtime fun. I know there is a policy to keep the server available for mod checking and testing, but I’m sure there are still free slots for non official fun.

Features the original does not have :

  • It plays in Zargabad, exclusively for you.
  • ACRE2 radio support
  • ACE 3 Basic Medical support (I removed the vanilla revive, you better take a medic in your team, but even unconscious and alone , you can at least respawn)
  • Random day/night time at Mission load (NVG included in basic loadout).
  • Full Arsenal and all CTNO repo weapons available after having established FOB ! Persists on respawn.

PS: It seems I won’t be able to deliver a packed .pbo, because some BI functions used in the game mode are only available in unpacked mode (according to BI official Wiki entry and tested by myself). We’ll see with server responsibles for the upload possibilities.

I am so down to give this a go! I love Zargabad!

If you want somewhere to host it, I can offer you my server - from the ~8 people test, most had 30-60ms pings. The server itself is located in eastern CZ, 100Mbit down/up, 3-4ms to NIX.CZ (peering exchange).

Sorry guys I was a bit late, I was hold back by a social event. There will be another session held Tuesday 30th June around 20:00. We will either host it on my PC or on Freghar’s server.

Hope to see you there

Server is up ! I am going to be AFK until 20:00, but you can already play.

IP in TS channel description. CNTO Coop Repo.
End Game 16p Coop/PvP in Zargabad. Establish FOB and be the first team to gather the data from 3 objectives in order to lead and pick up the valuable intel. Finally upload the intel to your satellite and win the game.

Please use this thread to report feedback, bug and any other comments.

The mission restarts automatically and if no admin (me!) present the lobby starts the mission after 90 seconds.


thanks to the mates who came to play. We could at least make a few things pop-out, especially on the acre2 radio loadout.

  • In the meantime I think i found a clean way to put a radio into the loadout and guarantee there is again one (and only one) replaced into the respawned unit. I will probably use the 152, for being sure to cover the whole area, and remove any other radio from the Arsenal.
  • The last loadout being persisted through respawn is due to an ACE3 module, and it’s the best I can provide, the alternative would be to respawn back at the FOB in order to pick your favorite loadout again. BI does not really support this by script, I don’t want to use any other third party scripts for that.
  • I will have to blacklist some items from the Arsenal, but that is for when I have time…although I think i can go by categories or super-classes. I must see…
  • Respawn locations for the upload preventing team have been set further away from the upload link, I think else no team will ever get to win. We had a draw almost every game until now.
  • Opfor distance to FOB has been reduced to the same as Bluefor.
  • I found a bug in the respawn countdown screen, you can use inbuild VON (even if disabled by acre or server setting). That is also how I got blocked in sidechannel hotmiking for the rest of the match. May be that’s also what’s breaking acre2 along the match. To be checked.

I haven’t had the chance to look at your mission but are you using CNTO coop template as a basis to the mission? Because we recently discovered the JIP/Respawn script in it isn’t from F3 and it’s expected that it won’t work properly. Afaik, it’s in the works for being replaced with a better script.

Hi Bull,
no, the mission is build up from scratch with the end game specific modules. Then I added acre and ace modules as needed. You probably referring to the loadout management scripts , not supported by their author anymore?

[quote user_id=“12674862” avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/12674862/avatar/medium.1424300577.jpeg” name=“Hellfire”][list]
[*]In the meantime I think i found a clean way to put a radio into the loadout and guarantee there is again one (and only one) replaced into the respawned unit. I will probably use the 152, for being sure to cover the whole area, and remove any other radio from the Arsenal.
I just thought I mention that it might be a good idea to use the 148 instead of the 152 because thats the radio We will be using in the future the most other then the 343.