Download the campaign Repo

Green Hell campaign begins on May 20th

Download the campaign Repo
Download the campaign Repo
Download the campaign Repo

ARE YOU A S.O.G. Prairie Fire owner?

If yes, you don’t need to download the cdlc compatibility data file in the repo (the largest file)

All you gotta do is create another addon group in arma sync, go to the DLC tab next to available addons. Find the ’ vn ’ module drag it across to the new addon group folder.

Enable it in place of the cdlc compatibility data file in the campaign repo group. :cool:

Could we have a test map of sorts (once the campaign repo is on the server) to see if our configurations are working? I remember quite a few campaigns starting with 30+ minutes of troubleshooting because a lot of people were struggling with getting everything setup properly.

Looking forward to the campaign!

Repo is up. I have in fact tested it with people on the server. any more issues should be unlikely

Ye but the server is still on [quote user_id=“20814189” avatar=“” name=“Price”]Repo is up. I have in fact tested it with people on the server. any more issues should be unlikely[/quote]

It’s not about testing issues with the repo, it’s about people testing if they have it installed correctly.

i can ask a staff sgt to get the server loaded up with the modset after Black Lanze tomorrow and can load up Green_Hell_V7 as the mission

server should be loaded with the modset today if anyone needs to test out the mods. Load up Green_Hell_V7 and hit the range if you want

Just to visually show what Price already said:

If you don’t have the DLC:

If you do have the DLC: