
As most of y’all know, I absolutely suck at doing debriefs. I’m only able to say a couple of basic sentences (good teamwork, we did well etc) and then I usually make a weird noise and go quiet. This really bugs me and thus it would be really appreciated if the more experienced debriefers could supply me with tips, so that one day I can finally say something original or even remotely interesting.

Just rip on everybody’s shabby performance

Tell shit about the mission. Say what you liked and what you didnt like. GG.

Just don’t name someone for a particular failing. Do that in private afterwards woth said person respectfuly. If you did notice something that lots of people were doing then bring that up. What did you like about a mission, what didn’t you like. And, with not liking something: how do you think it could be improved, or suggest it as something to be discussed.

Attach a glowstick to yourself to make yourself look important.

Find an issue to harp on, harp on it for too long, then rant a bit.

Seriously, I’m not good at it either. I just kind of… don’t stop talking.

Can I ban people from threads?

Remind everyone in your team of something you all did that was fun and awesome. Failing that remind them of how well they died to the last man. For example "Bravo 1 showed everyone how well we could draw the enemy fire and absorb motar shrapnel, thus allowing other units to retreat in orderly fashion! Go Team!"

Bravo did a wonderful job of luring the enemy into a false sense of security with all that dying, go team!

I’m pretty sure Alpha 1 did that during the Alamo situation on friday.

[justify]On a more serious note:

What I usually do as FTL is that I have pen and paper ready at all times. When I see reoccurring problems in the fire team such as spacing, tunnel vision etc. I note it down. However, it is really important to make those notes based on the overall FT performance, not on individuals. When presenting the feedback keep things anonymous and always talk about the teams performance to ensure that the feedback remains constructive and doesn’t turn into a "you did this, he did that"-pissing contest.

The only individual you can address when presenting the feedback is yourself and your own performance. It’s always good to use at least one or two sentences at the end where you reflect on what oneself could have done better and what the worst own mistake was during the mission. I found that this was the best way to improve one’s skills rapidly and make others think about similar mistakes they might have pulled off during the mission too.[/justify]

yea,i agree with Kaleo,we did evreything we could to keep Chris alive so he could have more things to talk about in later debrief,but even that didnt gived significant results… :smiley:

I second what Clarke said above. Having a pen and paper to one side during ops and training can be a huge help. Writing down notes about the performance of yourself and others can be very useful, in this example you can see both where others could improve but also how you can improve.

Thanks guys for giving me those tips, I’ll try to implement it all in my next debriefs.