Current situation with AI and Armor


I want to talk about the armor level the russians have where it takes 4 to 5 hits to get them unconscious/kill them. We talked about this after the opp today. And some people agree that this feels counter fun and especially with these numbers it just feels bad to spend so much time on a guy while you get shot by multiple guys and then dying yourself by a single or second shot.
I know this is because of PVP balance but I am not sure if we play it. And also in PVP the Russians already have more armor and heavier weapons then the other factions. So even in PVP it does not feel very balanced.
We also talked about changing the armor values or factions but that is harder and some things are not available in Zeus then.

Another thing I noticed is the state of AI unconsciousness. Some people double tap their victims, while others do not and others do it but it is not effective.
It kills the mood to have 3 AI’s stand up again after thinking you or your team killed them and then killing you instead.
Can we disable the AI unconsciousness state?

What do others feel about these 2 topics?

Personally I don’t much mind the armor values of the Russians. We fight different factions every opp, and each have their own characteristics we should keep in mind. Middle eastern militias might use IEDs you need to watch for but they have hardly any armor, while Russians have more armor but fight you more "fair and square" with the same kind of equipment you have. I didn’t have any occasions last night where their tankiness caused me trouble (it was me not seeing them due to the dark that got me in trouble).

On the unconsciousness part, unconscious enemies (and friendlies) can be distinguished by the way they lie down and still hold their weapon (image from last Tuesday where I had to double tap one (actually it took like 6 shots to kill him after he was down Unconscious and dead ). However due to the downed tents at the first objective I couldn’t see their bodies properly so I just double tapped them all to be safe.
I think it adds to the mood or atmosphere that you cannot just forget about enemies after they do down. You have to check and confirm your kill, or assume they might still be around. Only when attacking bunkers I dislike it, because then you need to go up the ladders to check if they’re dead (like I did last night), and if they get up at that time it would be pretty bad (also I had to jump out of the bunker because the ladder wouldn’t show to go back down).

The armour value is something you need to know up front. I agree it can be frustrating if you don’t know that the forces you fight have a high armour value and then they don’t fall over after you filled them with some bullets. Once you know this you can adjust your playstyle and take a more careful approach and make sure everyone is actually dead. I pretty much double tapped every guy I saw laying on the ground just to be safe.

My question would be, can we change the settings for ace medical separately for ai and players?

ACE medical settings can be changed for AI and players. I dont know what our server settings are but the damage an AI can take and the damage a player can take have sliders that can be adjusted to tone down or upscale the damage receieved

A comparison armor wise, you can clearly see the base russian armors (All russian vests are a base armor with a rig overtop, this rig provides no armor) are all incredibly high.

Whilst the armor you used wasn’t all that worse, only slightly

Here you can see the Base US vests are the same, VERY VERY similar to their russian counterparts

[quote user_id=“5721247” avatar=“” name=“Koffer”]
On the unconsciousness part, unconscious enemies (and friendlies) can be distinguished by the way they lie down and still hold their weapon (image from last Tuesday where I had to double tap one (actually it took like 6 shots to kill him after he was down Unconscious and dead ). However due to the downed tents at the first objective I couldn’t see their bodies properly so I just double tapped them all to be safe.[/quote]

If you are far enough away you can’t actually see this and like you said, due to grass or tents you might miss this. Double tapping might not work as it takes multiple shots to kill someone.
An example to this is the op we played yesterday. Where we had to shoot 3 AI multiple times before they went down. And they took Stomper grenade fire. We walked past them. All 3 of them got up and shot us and we instantly died.

I want to show some more examples but last nights CNTR is not up yet?
For me I just want some more realism I guess?
I get that it takes 5 bullets sometimes to kill someone but all the time just feels bad to me. I’d rather have 2 or 3 shots max. Now if you don’t get a automated rifle you have to pull the trigger to many times before they go down and it might not even be dead. While in the meantime you get shot from multiple different AI’s. With the current numbers our OPS are pulling you might not have someone nearby to clear the other AI so it’s all down to luck.

Keep in mind the reason why I think we should open this discussion is because the player numbers are different then 30+ we had before. Where you were always with multiple people, now you might be with just 1 other player. And if he goes down it just leads to very frustrating deaths.

[quote user_id=“3602631” avatar=“” name=“Shiny”]
An example to this is the op we played yesterday. We walked past them. All 3 of them got up and shot us and we instantly died.[/quote]

I agree with this problem, but I think the main problem is in the way that AI is instantly combat effective when it wakes up (which killed me multiple times in the past as well). I think a preferable solution would be to have AI wake up slower from unconsciousness, to give players a couple of seconds to react.