Coop - Zargone-Bad

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Amazing op, had a great time as engineer. Also one of their abilities which I’d previously not recognised, to be able to repair vehicles, came in very handy this op.
Made a lengthy vid including the hilarious and tense moments:


Finally, idk if I should make a brainstorming for this, but Engineers only spawn with 4 mags of spare ammo. With our play style (and if we don’t want engineers to be sidelined for all engagements) this is way too few. We carried around some of the resupply boxes so engineers were able to resupply multiple times and were fine mostly, but in ops where this is not the case I recon it can be quite annoying.

[quote user_id=“5721247” avatar=“” name=“Koffer”]
Finally, idk if I should make a brainstorming for this, but Engineers only spawn with 4 mags of spare ammo. With our play style (and if we don’t want engineers to be sidelined for all engagements) this is way too few. We carried around some of the resupply boxes so engineers were able to resupply multiple times and were fine mostly, but in ops where this is not the case I recon it can be quite annoying.[/quote]