Coop - Zarg-a-gain

[spoiler=]Map: Zargabad
Time: Sunrise
Weather: Cloudy to Clear
Host: [user avatar=“” name=“Hateboarder”]8030574[/user]

Time for hiding and eating sand is over, it is time to kill russians, it’s time to take Zarg again!


I Situation:

A month ago we had to flee Zargabad under russian invasion, Since then, we’ve been preparing for a counter attack.
You have been digging tunnels, scouting and assessing the enemy.
The right time for attack is now, as the invasion force has been partially relieved, and the rest have gotten sloppy, waiting for the garrison troops.

Friendly Forces:

[] Zargabad militia
] Elements available in the Operation: PLT, Alpha, Bravo, MMG, DMT, ENGR, DGR and NB.


[indent][list][] No transports, vehicles or additional weapons, except those you steal from the enemy.
] Hidden tunnel system under Zargabad connected to tactical positions around the city.
[*] A radio device, with which to tap into enemy communications, hopefully.

Enemy Forces:

[] Russian airborne forces
] The enemy is spread thin between their multiple bases and FOB’s, but they’re highly mobile.
[*] Minimal Russian activity outside of the bases, except for supply runs between them.


[*] Our spies and spotters will withdraw into hiding before operation start.

II Mission:

Destroy all russians.

III Execution:

Commander’s intent

[] Clear Truck depo, (enemy transports and some infantry spotted here).
] Clear Airfield, (enemy helicopters).
[] Clear Supply depo (unfinished compound that seems to do scheduled deliveries to other bases).
] Clear APC-FOB (small base with few armored vehicles parked around).
[] Clear comms station, plant radio tap, DONT DAMAGE MOSQUE! (enemy has defaced our mosque with comms gadgets, use it against them).
] Clear Mansion (Lightly guarded, but has some AA guns installed).
[] Clear enemy HQ (heavily defended)
] Destroy remaining russians.
[] Execution order and style are up to platoon.
] Images and maps will be in the tactical planning thread.

Movement Plan

[] Use tunnels to act quick, hit and run strikes at enemy bases to break their composition.
] Up to platoons consideration.

Fire Support

[*] None[/list][/indent]

Optional Tasks

[*] Capture any enemy assets you consider usefull, destroy the rest.[/list][/indent]

IV Administration / Logistics:


[*] Last of our basic supplies are hidden in the sewers, the rest you’ll need to steal from the russians.[/list][/indent]


[] Reinsertions will be on the hour every hour and be adhered to strictly, no deviation is allowed.
] Reinsertions are the same for all, including vehicles teams.
[] Platoon Commander has a one time reinsertion wild card at his disposal call this in through HQ.
] At predesignated times, reinforcements will be sent out of the base in smallest transport vehicle which can hold reinforcements
[] At predesignated times, an air transport will be sent out to pick up reinforcements from the base
] At predesignated times, an armed escort vehicle will be sent out to escort reinforcements from the base
[*] Upon insertion to the AO, reinforcements should stick together until regrouping with the main force in the AO[/list][/indent][/spoiler]

Here’s some maps of the AO to expand the OPORD.

you guys start at the cave entrance, and from there, through the sewers you can travel to any of the black arrow marked locations.
I Don’t think planning past the first strikes is critical, but you can plan how and if to split up and what elements you want.

I don’t have time to draw up a map before the OP I think but I do want to make a quick post as this looks super interesting to lead. [user avatar=“” name=“Hateboarder”]8030574[/user] you forgot to post what vehicles we have. Since Dagger and NB are available it would nice to know what they have before hand. Also it would be good to know if Engineers has any explosives to blow shit up. This will cloud my judgement on preferred elements a bit but I’ll try to whip something up already.

Elements: PLT > Alpha > ENGR > DMT > DGR (Dagger will have to steal a vehicle thus not making it clear if they will be useful).
The real question is, what do you want to hit first. Coms makes the most sense as it leaves the enemy confused and without the ability to talk together and send in reinforcements accurately. However it’s also one of the most dangerous ones. The tunnel exit is the furthest away from any of the other main objectives and it leaves you completely surrounded in CQB.
Therefor I would go for the APC’s first as a diversion. Blow them up as the first objective so they can not reinforce from the north. And this would get other troops from the Airfield and other places to check it out and maybe send out aircrafts. In the meantime we can hit the coms tower and then the airfield. From there on it’s just crossing off objectives.
Coms tower as second also makes it easier for us to hold out in buildings and stand our ground. Alternatively, depending on if aircraft actually leave the airbase, you can also hit that second to disrupt them from taking off at a later stage. If they are already off the ground then we stick with coms second.

I am not going to mark specific plans on how we are going to walk to objectives yet, as the situation is very reliant on things going according to plan (IE, aircraft leaving the base). Therefor I will just keep it to objective order.

So in short:

  1. Clear APC-FOB (small base with few armored vehicles parked around).
  2. Clear Airfield, (enemy helicopters).
  3. Clear coms station, plant radio tap, DONT DAMAGE MOSQUE! (enemy has defaced our mosque with coms gadgets, use it against them).
  4. The one that we haven’t done above.
  5. Clear Truck depo, (enemy transports and some infantry spotted here).
  6. Clear Supply depo (unfinished compound that seems to do scheduled deliveries to other bases).
  7. Clear Mansion (Lightly guarded, but has some AA guns installed).
  8. Clear enemy HQ (heavily defended)
  9. Destroy remaining russians.

Dagger has no vehicle, you would need to steal it from the russians.
You could also just assign a fireteam to a vehicle on the go if you find one, which ever way you want.
Same goes for Nightbird.

You’ve got box of IED’s waiting in the sewer.

Roger, that pushes down Daggers order all the way to the back.