Coop - Typhoon-444

Map: Ruha

Time: 1430

Weather: Overcast

Host: [user avatar=“” name=“Arba”]17914993[/user]

The year is 2024. and the political situation in the world has severely deteriorated. The Russian Federation stands surrounded by enemies on all sides. But, Russia is still proving to be a formidable opponent capable of rappelling any open assault on its territories which forces its adversaries to use less direct methods.


I Situation:

During the course of the last patrol our forces succeeded in rooting out the last of the criminal elements that have been harassing the countryside. However, a much larger problem emerged.

Weapon suppliers have been discovered. They proved not to be some enterprising small time smuggler, but the Western powers themselves using agents with deep knowledge of local customs, language, and cultural behaviours. Luckily, our forces succeeded in capturing one of the agents and after using some convincing interrogation methods they revealed their true identity and masters.

It’s time to gear up for war.

Agent revealed that in the case of supply run failure and subsequent failure to report, Western powers will assume they have been discovered and will launch a full scale attack from their hidden bases in the hopes of catching our forces unprepared.

Our mission is to destroy the enemy spearhead and hold the advance of their forces until our reinforcements arrive.

No prisoners. We intend to send a message.

Friendly Forces:

[] Russian Federation Armed Forces
] Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, MMG, MAT, ENG, DGR, NTB, FLC


[indent][list][]4x GAZ-233114 (Unarmed with roof hatch)
]2x GAZ-233114 (Unarmed)
[]2x KamAZ-5350
]2x Mi-24V or 2x Mi-28N
[]2x BMP-2K or 1x T-90SM (Obyekt 188SM)
]1x SU-25

Enemy Forces:

[*] NATO


[*] Heavily populated area

II Mission:

You need to hold the regional capital of Kaaranmaanikko until friendly reinforcements arrive. You will have some time to build up basic defences before the enemy approaches. If the position becomes untenable, fall back to the recently expanded FOB at Isomaki which is going to be held by the remnants of the military police. That FOB must not fall. If you choose to fall back to the secondary position, Kaaranmaanikko will need to be cleared of all enemy forces.

Enemy will be forced to use large supply trains to keep their front line functional. If the opportunity arises to engage them, do so in order to relieve the pressure on your forces.

III Execution:

Commander’s intent

Hold Kaaranmaanikko.

Movement Plan

[*]To be decided by PLT. [/list][/indent]

Fire Support

[*]3x BM-21[/list][/indent]

Optional Tasks

[*]Destroy the enemy supply train[/list][/indent]

IV Administration / Logistics:


[*] Standard ressuply crates provided.[/list][/indent]


[] Reinsertions will be on the hour every hour and be adhered to strictly, no deviation is allowed. Reinsertions are the same for all, including vehicles teams.
] Platoon Commander has a one time reinsertion wild card at his disposal call this in through HQ.
[] At predesignated times, reinforcements will be sent out of the base in smallest transport vehicle which can hold reinforcements
] At predesignated times, an air transport will be sent out to pick up reinforcements from the base
[] At predesignated times, an armed escort vehicle will be sent out to escort reinforcements from the base
] Upon insertion to the AO, reinforcements should stick together until regrouping with the main force in the AO[/list][/indent]

Area of Operations:

A few notes:
-You can choose whether you want 2x Mi-24V or 2x Mi-28N. Mi-24V is a bigger target and less manouverable, but can transport 8 troops which can be used for quick reinserts or strikes behind enemy lines. Armament between both is similar.

-You can choose to have 2x BMP-2K or 1x T-90SM (Obyekt 188SM). BMP-2K is more geared towards engaging infantry and can hold 7 passengers, while T-90SM is very effective against armour. BMP-2K with its troop compartment could also be used for quick strikes against enemy background.

-A cache of AT and AP mines will be provided

-You do not have to occupy the city itself. Every detail of tactical planning is left to PLT. Only thing that is important is that the city does not fall. You are free to take the fight to the enemy which will approach from West.

Mission postponed.

Map: Ruha

Time: 1430

Weather: Overcast

Host: [user avatar=“” name=“Arba”]17914993[/user]

The year is 2024. and the political situation in the world has severely deteriorated. The Russian Federation stands surrounded by enemies on all sides. But, Russia is still proving to be a formidable opponent capable of rappelling any open assault on its territories which forces its adversaries to use less direct methods.


I Situation:

During the course of the last patrol our forces succeeded in rooting out the last of the criminal elements that have been harassing the countryside. However, a much larger problem emerged.

Weapon suppliers have been discovered. They proved not to be some enterprising small time smuggler, but the Western powers themselves using agents with deep knowledge of local customs, language, and cultural behaviours. Luckily, our forces succeeded in capturing one of the agents and after using some convincing interrogation methods they revealed their true identity and masters.

It’s time to gear up for war.

Agent revealed that in the case of supply run failure and subsequent failure to report, Western powers will assume they have been discovered and will launch a full scale attack from their hidden bases in the hopes of catching our forces unprepared.

Our mission is to destroy the enemy spearhead and hold the advance of their forces until our reinforcements arrive.

No prisoners. We intend to send a message.

Friendly Forces:

[] Russian Federation Armed Forces
] Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, MMG, MAT, ENG, DGR, NTB, FLC


[indent][list][]4x GAZ-233114 (Unarmed with roof hatch)
]2x GAZ-233114 (Unarmed)
[]2x KamAZ-5350
]2x Mi-24V or 2x Mi-28N
[]3x BMP-2K or 2x T-90SM (Obyekt 188SM)
]2x SU-25

Enemy Forces:

[*] NATO


[*] Heavily populated area

II Mission:

You need to hold the regional capital of Kaaranmaanikko until friendly reinforcements arrive. You will have some time to build up basic defences before the enemy approaches. If the position becomes untenable, fall back to the recently expanded FOB at Isomaki which is going to be held by the remnants of the military police. That FOB must not fall. If you choose to fall back to the secondary position, Kaaranmaanikko will need to be cleared of all enemy forces.

Enemy will be forced to use large supply trains to keep their front line functional. If the opportunity arises to engage them, do so in order to relieve the pressure on your forces.

III Execution:

Commander’s intent

Hold Kaaranmaanikko.

Movement Plan

[*]To be decided by PLT. [/list][/indent]

Fire Support

[*]3x BM-21[/list][/indent]

Optional Tasks

[*]Destroy the enemy supply train[/list][/indent]

IV Administration / Logistics:


[*] Standard ressuply crates provided.[/list][/indent]


[] Reinsertions will be on the hour every hour and be adhered to strictly, no deviation is allowed. Reinsertions are the same for all, including vehicles teams.
] Platoon Commander has a one time reinsertion wild card at his disposal call this in through HQ.
[] At predesignated times, reinforcements will be sent out of the base in smallest transport vehicle which can hold reinforcements
] At predesignated times, an air transport will be sent out to pick up reinforcements from the base
[] At predesignated times, an armed escort vehicle will be sent out to escort reinforcements from the base
] Upon insertion to the AO, reinforcements should stick together until regrouping with the main force in the AO[/list][/indent]

Area of Operations:

Does that mean engineers can build buildings or just trenches and the regular stuff ?

Sorry, I was about to start writting a comment explaining things, but I got a call litterally just as I posted the thread and I had to leave.

Engineers will be able to build trenches and everybody else will be able to build basic fortifications using the entrenching tool we have used in the missions before. They will however only be able to build some basic fortifications and small bunkers, and only a small budget will be provided.

You will have 3x static HMGs and 2x Grenade Launchers you’ll be able to set up wherever you want. No ammo ressuply for those.

You must pick between 3x BMP 2K that can carry troops, or 2x T90 that cant.

You must pick between 2x Mi-24V that can carry troops, or 2x Mi-28N that can’t.

Vehicles with troop carrying capacity can be used to strike the enemies rear or their supply train which would weaken them.

You have a powerful rocket artilery support in the shape of 3x BM-21 at your disposal. However, they take a while to reload and are very innacurate.

Small changes made due to balance and fun:

  • number of available SU-25 increased from 1 to 2
  • added 2x Mi-8 in main base for purpose of transport
  • added 4x Kornet launcher in the stadion which you can set up where you want
  • added 3x Kornet launchers in the town (two on the Eastern approach, one on top of the white office building)
  • added 3x Djigit AA launchers (one on the Eastern approach, one in the stadion, one on top of the white office building)
  • some fortification have already been set up by local police and civilians. Aerial pictures have been taken and are provided below

I have been thinking about writing something up but this mission seems way to big to plan and frankly to play. So I am not going to burn my hands here and let others take the wheel if they want.
There are too many things to take in considerations and too many elements that are expected or vehicles/stationaries that are expected and I don’t think it will work. Especially with the player count we have lately.

Hopefully I am proven wrong and someone else is willing to write something up and makes it work. Good luck!

I understand your aprehension [user avatar=“” name=“Shiny”]3602631[/user] , but allow me to try to persuade you to still take the lead.

I placed additional fortifications so you don’t have to think about them too much and waste time building them. They are on the outskirts of the town and on the stadium. You can still build additional ones to maybe further fortify the center of the town, but even without them, houses provide more then enough cover.

Static emplacements like Kornet launchers and AA launchers are also placed at the outskirts, stadium, and the top of the white office building. Even without using them, you should be able to take down anything that attacks you using your own assets.

I will of course adjust the enemy number to your own number. You should feel pressure as a defender, but if your assets manage to destroy enemy assets on time, you won’t have a chance of getting overrun because the enemy mostly has to cross open ground while you are in cover all the time.

You don’t have superior firepower, but you have a considerable one. Su-25, T90/BMP-2K, and Mi-28N/Mi-24V are immensly powerful vehicles and you will always have the advantage of enemy having to come to you. Combine that with crazy support you can get from 3x BM-21 and you will have a lot of lead you can throw at the other side.

Plus, both friendly bases are defended by a small detachement of Russian Federal Forces which will, at the very least, attract some gunfire.