Coop - Training

Leave some feedback on the training and the mini OP after!

I’m glad we covered some tactics that we should use more often in assaulting an enemy position. Although I did expect some more detailed guidelines and procedures addressing the issue we have with convoys: speeding up the process of mounting up in vehicles after an engagement and getting the convoy ready to move, for example clarifying order of radio calls for vehicles ready to move.

During the patrol right after training Alpha and Bravo were too far apart and that is my fault being element leader. I did not judge the terrain appropriately and did not give Bravo enough time to get in position.

Regarding the actual OP after the training session, I had tons of fun. I’m sorry you weren’t there for debriefing [user avatar=“” name=“Mathusse”]7699206[/user] because I think it was a very good approach on the town and we had a proper coordination between Alpha fireteams until 1/3 of the town was cleared. After a few buildings we started taking casualties and it became hard to manage.
I really enjoyed having to adopt proper CQB tactics due to the strong enemy presence, especially inside buildings which is something we don’t see often and thus we tend to be a bit on the rush when clearing a town. Good job for leading us and good job to Alpha’s red fireteam, you did very good!

Thanks for both the training and the mission boys :slight_smile:

Don’t think we were able to handle all the slides before we started but what we did do was good. Wonder if it might be an idea to ask the audience actively how they would handle situations to see if it has really sunk in?

Anyway, think for the groups I was in everything went well. I died twice in total today, but not because of anything I’d really change. Once during the training patrol where I got shot and bled out, it happens. Maybe I could have been saved, but that’s kinda beside the point. The medic made a valid judgment call but I and Owk both still died. Maybe it could have been better, who knows, either way, I think it was handled fine from what I could hear. The use of grenades was good during that part of the training, both at that camp and before when we got ambushed.

During the mini-op I started as part of Dagger, which was fun. I felt that the viewports were actually pretty good for what we have for Russian vehicles. In general I think we got shit done well, with two caviats.

  • At one point [user avatar=“” name=“Blodos”]19716424[/user] said he was leaving the tank to get medic’d, and had already done so before that really registered with me. At that point, I was the only one left as driver, which is a situation that should just never have happened. I was at that point about to get engaged by enemy infantry that I was able to kill before it became an issue, but that’s still bad. IMO we should either have just driven the vic back to the infantry or having the medic come to us.

  • Point two I already addressed to [user avatar=“” name=“Hateboarder”]8030574[/user] ingame, but I wanted to post it here as constructive criticism that might help others perhaps. If you are the commander of a vehicle your job is to communicate with the other elements, but your first job should be to fight your vehicle. Hateborder was spending a lot of time communicating (good) but was pretty vague or slow to give me orders in a few places which did get pretty dangerous. We were sitting still too often and the orders given to me were not very clear from time to time. As commander, you should micro your crew as you are (supposed) to have the big picture. (Ie. driver rotate left 10 degrees, move forward 5kph. Gunner turn southeast and engage bunker.)
    During parts of this, it felt a lot like Hateborder was mostly radioman while Blodos doubled as commander and gunner.

We did great overall, but I think it’s still good feedback that I think I’ve seen lacking lately in the vehicles that I have been in. Micromanage your hobos.

Anyways, so after we died to a case of death I went to DMT and hung out with them for the rest of the op, which was fun. I feel like in this case the third person in their group helped a lot for clearing and staying alive, and we had some fun encounters.

Overall great op and great training! We even did spacing pretty well for the most part :slight_smile:

also I wish this to be archived as it brings me joy. [youtube]rpbsXxg3YsU[/youtube]

[quote user_id=“8061610” avatar=“” name=“Henrik”]I’m glad we covered some tactics that we should use more often in assaulting an enemy position. Although I did expect some more detailed guidelines and procedures addressing the issue we have with convoys: speeding up the process of mounting up in vehicles after an engagement and getting the convoy ready to move, for example clarifying order of radio calls for vehicles ready to move.

This is actually true, now I think about it. Considering that today was going to be about convoys it would have been good to have more of the theory before the op. Think that might warrant another training thing sometime, maybe a short one before a full op?

I think everyone during the OP performed exceptionally well and I also enjoyed going over some of the scenario’s after the debrief. I hope people learned stuff and keep in mind that chernarus has enterable buildings now :slight_smile: