COOP: Towards the Sound of Gunfire

Leave mission feedback, videos or fun stories below in the thread.


I Situation:

During the NATO occupation of Afghanistan it has been decided that the US government will sponsor major infrastructure projects across the country in order to support the Afghani population and increase their support.

In your local area this means the construction of a new hospital and a school. US forces are working closely with IDAP to fulfill the objectives.

However, there has been reports of an ever increasing presence of insurgents which are opposing the projects.

Friendly Forces:

  • US Army: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, MMG, DMT, ENG


  • 3x M1126 M2 Stryker
  • 1x M1132 Mine Clearing Stryker
  • 3x M1240 M2 MRAP
  • 2x M1240 Unarmed Stryker

Enemy Forces:

  • Reports of insurgent forces of unknown number and strength


  • Heavy civilian presence

II Mission:

Pick up supply trucks at FOB Assam consisting of 2x Repair truck, 1x Fuel truck, and 1x Medical truck.

Deliver the Medical truck to the hospital build site, one repair truck to the school build site, and one repair and one fuel truck to FOB Nauzad.

III Execution:

Commander’s intent

  • Support the IDAP’s efforts in the area by delivering supplies to the build sites. Ressuply FOB Nauzad.

Movement Plan

  • The first objective is the hospital building site, followed by the school site and, lastly, the FOB Nauzad.

Fire Support

  • None

Optional Tasks

  • None

IV Administration / Logistics:


  • Resupply available at base


  • Reinsertions will be on the hour every hour and be adhered to strictly, no deviation is allowed.
  • Reinsertions are the same for all, including vehicles teams.
  • Platoon Commander has two reinsertion wild cards at his disposal, call this in through HQ.
  • At predesignated times, reinforcements will be sent out of the base in the smallest transport vehicle which can hold reinforcements.
  • Upon insertion to the AO, reinforcements should stick together until regrouping with the main force in the AO.

Tactical Planning thread: COOP: Towards the Sound of Gunfire - #4 by Arba

Nice op with nice numbers to come back to after the hiatus.

Stats: Grafana

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Very nice op ! Really liked the ambush, was unexpected and challenging, as all of the contact throughout the op. And of course the huge convoy was very fun, we should do this more often.

Special thanks to everyone who kept me alive throughout the whole game, I managed to not to die once


Alpha did well. Good comms on 343, good cooperation between fireteams and autonomy when needed. Sucks that we died so much, but thanks to my FTLs for leading with so much passion.

A look back at tactical decisions and takeaways from my perspective.

  • As discussed during briefing, I would not experiment fragmenting Alpha into 1-man units again (unless we have intention to make the squad combat effective quickly and effectively).
    Sure there was little choice as to who would drive the resupply vehicles, but the platoon itself was unable to respond to an ambush and this almost killed everyone 30 minutes in. Takeaway: a different strategy could have been to halt the convoy before built-up areas and scout the next kilometer of the route; makes sense when operating in AOs with guerrilla-style engagements. I.e. stop 3 blocks before entering a city with an 8 vehicle convoy and/or send a small detached unit 400m ahead of the convoy.
  • Apply the GTFO Principle: if it looks like you’re surrounded, it sounds like you’re surrounded and people die like you’re surrounded - Get The F*ck Out :slight_smile: Retreating might be for weak people and I like the adrenaline in my body, but preserving my virtual entity is also something I enjoy.
    In Anizay we were taking fire from 3 direction, the entire platoon was right in between enemy forces. Granted it’s a rare occasion, it’s also a symptom that we should not have been there altogether. Get out, reassess, treat the wounded, plan another entry.

Extremely hard mission to lead though, felt like we always were in a bad place. Thanks for the challenge I guess @Arba, next time give me a heads up so I drink a couple glasses more of wine in advance.


That was exactly my intention! Glad you enjoyed it haha!
My next op will be much more chill, hope you won’t be discouraged from leading.


was I ever deterred? :smiley:

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Yeah, that was that one day where you promised to lead but in the end had some silly excuses like “buying a car”…


Video by @Garf