Coop: The Island

Our boats are about 3km out to the West.

Map: Utes
Time: 18:00
Weather: Cloudy
Host: [user avatar=“” name=“Shiny”]3602631[/user]


I Situation:

Our informant informed us that the Island of Utes has been occupied by ChDKZ. Their forces have taken over the abandoned airfield and made it a base of operations. It’s our job to clear out the airfield and secure the island.
Any information we find needs to be reported in. We want troup sizes, vehicle information and possible other intel. ChDKZ has been growing in presence in all the surrounding islands. We need information on their plans.

Friendly Forces:

[] Carpe Noctem Tactical Operations.
] Nightbird


[] 1 x AH-6M-M Little bird (1x GAU-19/A, 1x M134)
] 1 x CH-67 Huron
[] USS Freedom
] USS Khe Sanh

Enemy Forces:

[] ChDKZ.
] ChDKZ Airforce.


[*] None.

II Mission:

Our mission is to take over the Island with a focus on the airfield and Strelka. Platoon can decide what the insert method is going to be and where we insert and with what focus first.

III Execution:

Commander’s intent

[] Take over the Airfield and destroy any air assets
] Clear the village of Strelka

Movement Plan

[*] Don’t send out CAS before troops hit the shore in case the shore is heavily fortified.

Fire Support

[*] None

Optional Tasks

[*] None

IV Administration / Logistics:


[*] 2 Crates in base, this has to be done by attached air element. [/list][/indent]


[] Reinsertions will be on the hour every hour and be adhered to strictly, no deviation is allowed. Reinsertions are the same for all, including vehicles teams.
] Platoon Commander has a one time reinsertion wild card at his disposal call this in through HQ.
[] At predesignated times, reinforcements will be sent out of the base in smallest transport vehicle which can hold reinforcements
] Upon insertion to the AO, reinforcements should stick together until regrouping with the main force in the AO

This uses a custom faction previously approved with G3 rifles as well as a M60 MMG and RPG-7V2 launcher in MAT.