I think it might be good if we had a non plt terp. Keeps him on task while terp puts out fires or gets us info. Maybe the sarge?
I’ll take on a mix of what [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/20330489/avatar/small.1594394879.png” name=“Mattdogs”]20330489[/user] and [user avatar=“https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.enjin.com/821401/site_logo/small.png” name=“Stuka”]17454636[/user] proposed.
Note: execution steps are not as detailed as I’d like to, the situation will be evaluated as the mission goes on.
General plan:
- When moving through the city, elements are to perform a soft dismount, only leaving vehicles completely empty when strictly necessary
- Element leaders (SL and FTL) are cleared to ask civilians for information
- Given the potentially armed civilians, Rules of Engagement are weapons hold
- Given probability of known location and retaliation thread if captured, HVTs are assigned different thread level (LOW; HIGH and CRITICAL). HIGH and CRITICAL targets are to be taken last to avoid fighting the whole town at once.
- Infantry Squads should have a designated Security FT and a designated Assault FT (can be swapped during mission). This is only relevant during objectives breaching, where Security FT is to hold the perimeter of the area subject to search and Assault FT is to either breach building or search a restricted area (a large compound at maximum size)
- Elements must keep as far as possible from obj. CRYSTAL and FORGE until permission is given to either search or assault them
- Once a target is acquired (either alive or dead) he is to be loaded in PLT unarmed MRAP if possible, Squads MRAPs are good if there is room
- Chance for IEDs is high, ENG task is to deal with any reported suspicious devices
- If an area gets too hot, elements are to disengage and retreat towards the closest rally point. A counter-attack will be carried out from that position.
- PLT (at least LEAD + MEDIC)
- ENG (at least 2 people)
- BRAVO (depending on attendance, at least 1 FT + LEAD + MEDIC. 1 Rifleman AT from ALPHA can be left out to fill if needed)
- CHARLIE (depending on attendance)
- Bradley M2A3 for DAGGER
- MRAP w/ .50 for ALPHA
- MRAP w/ .50 for BRAVO
- MRAP for PLT
- Humvee w/ .50 for ENG
- Humvee w/ .50 + Humvee for CHARLIE (if needed)
Objectives and sectors
- Commander, threat CRITICAL, possible location obj. GAIN
- Preacher, threat HIGH, most likely at obj. CRYSTAL
- Police Chief, threat HIGH, most likely at obj. FORGE
- Bomber, threat LOW
- Hired Gun, threat LOW
- Jamal (cool name), threat LOW
I. DAGGER position is not always listed as its duty is to keep an overview of the town at all times and be ready to intervene if the situation demands so
1a. ALPHA and ENG move to obj. ARCHER, search the market, provide security on the road leading NE into town and climb up to the minaret tower. Look for fortified positions, check enemy presence at designated objectives.
1b. BRAVO and DAGGER move West of ARCHER to Hill 2037 and looks for fortified positions, check enemy presence at designated objectives.
2. Units regroup at the border of sector Z3 and search around and inside obj. BLADE
3. Units search around and inside obj. DAWN
4a. If all LOW threat targets (except Doc) are captured or killed, proceed to obj. CRYSTAL (see detailed plan below)
4b. If not all LOW threat targets (except Doc) are captured or killed, move out from sector Z3 and search sectors Z1, Z2, Z5, Z6 then proceed as before
5. ALPHA + ENG + DAGGER proceed to search obj. EAGLE, while BRAVO + PLT provide OW on obj. FORGE from RP OMAHA
6. Proceed to obj. FORGE (see detailed plan below)
7. Regroup and proceed to obj. GAIN
High threat objective plan:
I. ALPHA leaves their MRAP w/ .50 by obj. BLADE
- DAGGER + PLT will hold at S-SE and provide security on the outgoing roads and E-E
- BRAVO Security FT + ENG will hold at S-NW and provide security on the outgoing roads and E-W
- BRAVO Assault FT will breach objective from E-W
- ALPHA will breach objective from E-E
- Once target is acquired, BRAVO + PLT move to RP OMAHA, ALPHA + ENG + DAGGER move to Western border of sector Z6
I. ALPHA + ENG + DAGGER hold position at obj. EAGLE after searching it
- DAGGER + ENG move to S-E to provide security East
- BRAVO starts moving towards E-S from RP OMAHA
- ALPHA moves in to obj. FORGE from obj. EAGLE (E-N)
- While ALPHA and BRAVO Assault FT breach, BRAVO Security FT is to move to S-W and provide security West
- Once target is acquired, elements move to RP SWORD if possible, if the city is too hot all elements pull back to RP OMAHA
I guess [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/8061610/avatar/small.1616680218.jpeg” name=“Henrik”]8061610[/user]'s plan makes more since the briefing mentions that we should search the city "block by block". It will take a while with our small force.
Regarding the fallback contigency, I would suggest to define an Objective Rally Point (or several) in advance so that when the call is made, teams can mount up faster & bug out to the ORP called out by PLT. This will remove an extra stop & limit the amount of communication when in a dire situation.
Looks good also. Remember we are coming from the West, not the south. So we will have to drive around the city to reach the first OBJ.
Just to chime in here, it mentioned "block by block" because I had 0 faith that you guys would put this much thought into it.
Consider going "Block by block" a worst-case and last-case scenario for now
We have had to put thought into it. Command hates us and gave us a non-linear mission… Choices Argh!!!
…oh and then they told us we need a plan… before we hit the drinks on Friday… Sober choices arrgh!!!
Ah then this is more interesting! I change my mind, Henrik’s plan is bollocks and we should only secure and investigate relevant locations and and probably get out of the city in-between hits to regroup, treat casualties and prepare for the next arrest.
If we keep a good momentum in executions, we should be able to avoid getting stuck in a lengthy firefight within Zargabad.
Then it doesn’t matter what we hit first except we could keep Henrik’s ideas of going for lower risk targets first.
We’re coming from SW, in 2nd page of this thread there’s a rough location of where we start.
[quote user_id=“17454636” avatar=“https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.enjin.com/821401/site_logo/medium.png” name=“Stuka”]
Regarding the fallback contigency, I would suggest to define an Objective Rally Point (or several) in advance so that when the call is made, teams can mount up faster & bug out to the ORP called out by PLT. This will remove an extra stop & limit the amount of communication when in a dire situation.[/quote]
Yeah I agree, pre-designation of RP would be useful since we more or less know where we’ll be during the mission. I’ll update the map.
Regarding hit and retreat style, I would still prefer to keep it as a last resort in case we get under heavy fire. The first objectives shouldn’t give us much trouble and IMO it would be quicker to stay inside the town. We’ll reposition ourselves for the most dangerous HVT I reckon
Updated the plan with RP and more detailed plans for stronger objectives. I’m good with Stuka’s plan for the Villa, we could use the river bed to get half platoon on the NE and the rest will attack from the main entrance / South. Reaching the objective can be done either from RP JUNO or RP SWORD.