Coop - Summer of Sam

Stories and discussion regarding the operation!

Really liked this mission, Bratz (British AT) kicked all kinds of arse. I apologise for the friendly fire incident at the last objective, think it was one of those cases where you take fire from a direction, look over there and see someone and in a split second assume the person you’ve seen is the one shooting at you. In hindsight it was likely a single guy in a building somewhere behind where friendlies were

Edit: having a look at CNTR it looks like Alpha were engaging a contact below me and presumably I just saw fire coming in my general direction and assumed it was hostile

One of the best missions I had in the past few weeks. Excellent work everyone!

A note to myself: when assaulting the stadium it would have been a better option to make MMG and MAT bound over the massive open field :smiley:

Thanks for the mission Teddy, was very good!

I was really impressed by the movement and the scouting. You identified road blocks and picked one to push through. MMG made the first objective much easier for you by killing several fire teams entrenched near the shore. Logistics ran quite smoothly and would have been even easier if I had remembered to prepare a spare crate in advance. You also even managed to ambush a patrol. MAT was used against defensive positions as well as vehicles like it’s supposed to.

I got a question about convoy rules, because at the start of the OP I was supremely confused.

At the start of the OP, I was driving Vic 2 with Yellow, behind Vic 1 with Red. Shortly before the Disembark marker Vic 1 took fire out in the open, stopped, disembarked and returned fire. I had Alpha SL and Yellow FTL in Vic 2 with me and asked about what to do, but received no reply, probably due to the instant chaos.

What’s the right call in this situation? From previous Arma experience, when a Convoy is taking fire, I would put the Vic to the side of the road, alternating sides Left & Right between the Vics. But the area where Red was taking contact was flat and had no cover whatsoever, plus in the briefing 5 minutes earlier we were specifically told that when taking contact here we should push through to the disembark marker.

Supremely confused and without GPS, I kept driving by Red, until told by FTL to "defile" (?) which I now understand means "to get into defilade" (sorry again for the delay, I never heard that before). We were at the beach at that time, so the maximum amount of height difference we could achieve was about 1 meter.

So yeah, what’s the right call here? I’m leaning towards "if the Vic in front goes into hold, then you automatically hold too", but I really don’t know.

[quote user_id=“20795496” avatar=“” name=“MrWofu”]I got a question about convoy rules, because at the start of the OP I was supremely confused.

At the start of the OP, I was driving Vic 2 with Yellow, behind Vic 1 with Red. Shortly before the Disembark marker Vic 1 took fire out in the open, stopped, disembarked and returned fire. I had Alpha SL and Yellow FTL in Vic 2 with me and asked about what to do, but received no reply, probably due to the instant chaos.

What’s the right call in this situation? From previous Arma experience, when a Convoy is taking fire, I would put the Vic to the side of the road, alternating sides Left & Right between the Vics. But the area where Red was taking contact was flat and had no cover whatsoever, plus in the briefing 5 minutes earlier we were specifically told that when taking contact here we should push through to the disembark marker.

Supremely confused and without GPS, I kept driving by Red, until told by FTL to "defile" (?) which I now understand means "to get into defilade" (sorry again for the delay, I never heard that before). We were at the beach at that time, so the maximum amount of height difference we could achieve was about 1 meter.

So yeah, what’s the right call here? I’m leaning towards "if the Vic in front goes into hold, then you automatically hold too", but I really don’t know.[/quote]

According to CNTR Vic 1 takes fire and decides to bail and engage. Vic 2 pushes through and Vic 3 stops to help the peeps in Vic 1. Generally the vic 1 commander should make the calls and try and follow the convoy orders if they can. At the end of the day each vic commander (usually the navigator) decides what to do and try and follow the general orders if they can. In this case the gun truck commander through that it would be better to push to woods and then get everyone out and try and flank the bunkers while the vic 1 commander probably thought the fire was too much and wanted to get people out and spread out a bit immediately. As you can see the MG nests concentrated fire on vic 1 so it was in more danger than the other vics. Vic 3 I think had MAT in it so thought to stop where they could get a good view of the MG nests and take it out.

So generally follow the convoy instruction, "push through" etc, unless you don’t think your vic can manage it.

Defile is new for me too, maybe that is the British term for the same process?

[user avatar=“” name=“MrWofu”]20795496[/user] the call on whether to push through or halt the convoy is for Convoy Leader to make. Usually CL is Vic1 navigator (or whoever handles the comms).

It’s something we still have to improve but we’re on the right track, considering how little time CL usually has to evaluate a situation and make a call over Convoy Net. In the case of last Friday though, if I remember correctly as PLT I gave instructions to push through any contacts before the Dismount point. Taking into account the terrain we had around, I think it was the right call to make. As [user avatar=“” name=“Teddy”]9240990[/user] pointed out, Vic1 was receiving heavy fire and made the right call to stop. Conveniently enough, Vic2 managed to dismount in a position where they could have flanked the ambush site.

So yeah, bottom line to me is: if Convoy Leader decides to halt then all the convoy should come to a stop, deal with the enemies then take it from there. Otherwise those vehicles that decide to push through could end up in an even worse engagement and would have no fire support from other elements who stopped at the first contact. It needs coherence but it’s a skill that’s hard to develop.