Coop - Status Quo

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I’ve got to say this was one of the better missions I’ve played. I was in a FTL with Eistee, [user avatar=“” name=“Dvdesa”]17948690[/user] , and [user avatar=“” name=“Fishgrit”]15375208[/user] , and I thoroughly enjoyed my time with them. I thought our teamwork was pretty good and the banter was great. Sorry, [user avatar=“” name=“Eistee”]11628947[/user] for leaving you to bleed out in the middle of the field. It’s war, I’m sure you understand.

Although the NVG-s aren’t good, they somehow felt right in this mission. They were difficult to work with, but I wasn’t as annoyed with them as I would usually be.

Mission itself was interesting, different to what we usually play, and hectic once the fighting started. Thank you [user avatar=“” name=“Henrik”]8061610[/user] and I’m looking forward to more missions from you.

I liked the op. A2 as MMG had a lot of fun to do. the need to have NVGS felt like organic but I felt like we would have had them from the start.

I think it was good mission Henrik. Only one problém I had was with the NVGs sight blur but Dachi is working on it for better tommorows.

If there will be some possibility of late insertion, so maybe is good to write in the opord the possibility of wild card to prevent ppl sitting on base for too long.

When I looked at CNTR so the mission looked very good prepared.

BRIEFING - some ppl are talking about resurrection of read opord at start of mission. In last two missions I made I had a brief short briefing in my words. It s easy to say the important mission things which are really important, even for my english (dis)abilities. So, I did not read OPORD but just stated things which I belief are crucial and realistic for mission planning, briefing and security. If players want make their bad decisions, let them make them.

Generally, I can just say it was fun, dynamic and interasting enough to be good mission.

Check this out crazy guys taking on a jet.

Thanks for the feedback guys!

[user avatar=“” name=“Mother”]18447842[/user] I didn’t quite get the point on your briefing part of the reply, I did state an important rule I forgot to mention in the OPORD saying that you were not allowed to enter any enemy base. In the very first minutes of your movements at the airport a humvee tried to enter the military base so I had to shoot some warning bursts. It didn’t seem to me that the entire OPORD was read out before playing.

[user avatar=“” name=“Dachi”]12591864[/user] awesome pic! I had the same view as Zeus and I must admit you guys did very well in keeping that jet on the ground :smiley: