COOP: Stait Closed

Please leave feedback

Thank you for the mission Mattdogs, I really enjoyed the objectives and the use of the cruise missile they are very sweet to use and watch coming in. Only note from a mission point of view was the sheer amount of targets for MAT but I am sure you were expecting us to use the fire support to soften those up first.

Mission was tough in terms of terrain and movement. Communications were tough as there was a lot going on. I felt like Henrik had a rough time getting control of the elements myself included as MAT mainly due to missing comms.

Apologies to Henrik for the constant requests to move etc, I just wanted MAT to be effective and to not stay in the same place for too long. I know it is hard when Henrik is trying to weigh pros and cons for the entire PLT though.

One thing I have noticed in general over the last few ops is a lot of talking at leaders about what they should be doing etc I call this back seat leading, it’s easy to do because you are not leading. Most of the time people are pointing out stuff you have either done or you are about to do because you are waiting for breaks in comms etc. It really is bloody annoying if you are in my squad unless you calling out contacts or giving useful information then let people lead, people don’t take leadership roles to get told how to do the whole OP. I will also inform my team of what’s going on when I know what’s going on and I will ask Plt for updates when there is a good time to ask.

Again the mission itself was good and MAT performed really well, so no complaints on the performance front.

idk how much of this was discussed in the debrief, since I left after it went way into overtime and I was dead.

Objective 1) Red team sits on OW and kills some guys running around corners 300m away. By the time we get the go to enter the compound everyone is dead. Then we wait inside doing nothing much for a while.
Objective 2) Red team kills some dudes on the hill northeast of the objective, then we sit there for 10 minutes waiting and shooting sporadic infantry 500m away to the east. By the time we can finally go in enemy QRF arrives from the west, which isn’t covered by OW and completely wipes us.
Objective 3) Red team tries to hit enemies from OW at 700m before we can finally move forward to the objective. By the time we finally enter everyone is already dead from the cruise missiles.
Objective 4) Tbh idk what happened here and if it was interesting for the FT, since I got killed by the MBT-driveby.

In conclusion, for me the pace of the op was unfortunately too slow, with not enough to do for infantry. Also my LAT was completely useless since humvee’s could be taken out with rifles and it was ineffective (or I never got the chance/permission to shoot it) against other targets.

I’d just like to say I’m really sorry for this. I tried my best to keep us relevant but I didn’t want to stray too far from the SL’s intent, especially considering we weren’t getting a lot of info. I should have been a lot more pro-active.

[user avatar=“” name=“Koffer”]5721247[/user] honestly speaking: it happens. For one mission in 8 months (as far as I remember) where Alpha isn’t 100% the focus of the operation is not the end of the world. We had a lot of fire support that we couldn’t just ignore, we had MAT and making it all very balanced for every single person playing every single role among a group of 20 is just not doable.

Cruise missiles were a blast (pun intended), for once I felt PLT was also acting a support element and on the topic of dead times I’m sure people understand that everyone is entitled to some fun moments and not only forward infantry, even if it means sitting on a rock for 5 minutes. In the past months I think I personally improved in reducing lull times, but that requires much more work and nothing else to do on PLT end, which again wasn’t the case tonight. Complaining for the one time where it happens that these dead periods don’t fall only on PLT is honestly unfair IMO.

On the topic of bad positioning brought up by [user avatar=“” name=“Churizo”]3749902[/user], the cover was little to none in some places and unfortunately I saw no better positions for us to take. As with everything else, there are so many considerations to be made in such little time that the end arrangement is often not the overall best but the best we could do in that specific situation. As already mentioned some time ago, element leaders have very much the right to find a better spot so long as the intent is fulfilled.
For example, in when Alpha was ordered to hold the south of the Power Plant I had absolutely no time to scout the entire surroundings of it to locate the perfect position, we were dealing with the outcome of a mass casualties situation, targeting AA positions on the airbase for missile strike, handling reinforcements as well as arranging resupplies. But Churizo you made the call to shift your position a little North and still hold the South side. Intent accomplished, PLT informed. I don’t see any issues with it. Same goes for you [user avatar=“” name=“Dachi”]12591864[/user], forward elements have a much better idea of the terrain and it’s totally fair to ask for repositioning, it is in fact kind of expected. Bear in mind all PLT sees is a map most of the time.

[user avatar=“” name=“Ellpuk”]20841047[/user] Don’t worry, you don’t have to be sorry :slight_smile:

I think we had a discussion that some of the OPs in the future need to be more difficult and we should earn our victories.

From my point of view as a Yellow AR I must admit your comms were clear and concise. Slowly adjust to our style of play rather than looking for faults all the time because I can see you have the right mindset and set of skills.

[user avatar=“” name=“Mattdogs”]20330489[/user] The mission was fun, kinda reminds me of this one Malden OP where we also had to assault the airfield, I had fun for sure!

Also, I think for some OPs we would benefit greatly with 3x and 4x scopes for our infantry element, in my honest opinion we should adapt to the terrain rather than enforce artificial rules, I would love to see a rule added that permits us to use a higher magnification scopes for OPs like these.

[quote user_id=“8061610” avatar=“” name=“Henrik”][user avatar=“” name=“Koffer”]5721247[/user] honestly speaking: it happens. For one mission in 8 months (as far as I remember) where Alpha isn’t 100% the focus of the operation is not the end of the world. We had a lot of fire support that we couldn’t just ignore, we had MAT and making it all very balanced for every single person playing every single role among a group of 20 is just not doable.

I completely agree, and no hard feelings or blame towards anyone! I just think we should give feedback both when things go well and not so well, so that we can learn from it.

[user avatar=“” name=“Ellpuk”]20841047[/user] it takes time to learn don’t be too hard on yourself. Leadership roles are kind of a big shift from non-leading ones. Different people have different attitudes towards leading in all places of the CoC, just a matter of getting used to it really so keep stepping up if you had fun :wink:

[quote user_id=“5721247” avatar=“” name=“Koffer”]I completely agree, and no hard feelings or blame towards anyone! I just think we should give feedback both when things go well and not so well, so that we can learn from it.

100% buddy, I just do care about explaining why things happened and constructive feedback is always vastly appreciated

Thanks for the feedback guys and keep it coming.
Will bring it into future missions etc…
A mistake from my side was getting engaged by enemy units (providing confusion). Sorry for this, the arty module didnt work with Zeus hide.

One thing from my side was the firesupports. As a commander, I thought they were a little underused. But I hope PLT felt like a power element in this mission, not just a unit mover. One thing that I didn’t count on is [user avatar=“” name=“Henrik”]8061610[/user] you trying to balance fire supports VS INF engagements for the sake of their fun. I kind of expected you to nuke a target then have INF clear ruins and defend QRF’s. So you ended up taking on a lot more armour / unit then i expected.

Im new to the MM game so im not sure if my idea would even work. But for my missions at least i will try to balance fire supports vs INF contact. So if you nuked the whole airbase my plane was a QRF mission from the enemy (once you entered the OBJ). Making fire-support difficult.

In the end of hope everyone had some fun. I learned a lot:

  • Fire supports + Arma is 50/50 it even works
  • AI landing a chopper to re-enforce is difficult
  • Engagement timing: I left bad for people dieing just after the hour. So sorry for this it wasn’t intentional
  • We only had 1 re-insert which was the emergency reinsert. So I hope I/PLT didnt miss one by mistake.

Thanks [user avatar=“” name=“Mathusse”]7699206[/user] for putting up with me. Grid references were fun and i was hoping you would make a mistake so i could blast a random patch of ground (but no such luck ).

Mattdogs, if you really want players to do something in a certain way you have to tell in opord exactly what you expect. Not that they’re gonna do it in a worse way necessarily, but it’s unlikely they’ll do what you had in mind, even if it seemed obvious while designing the mission. They won’t pick up on any hints either.

[user avatar=“” name=“Mattdogs”]20330489[/user] loved the mission myself, as I said the arty was tons of fun for PLT (hope for Spartak too), think it was a good balance between the "fuck it, I’m gonna nuke the place" and not using support at all in the end.

Yeah my bad, I forgot to call it in at 2200. Usually Command gets in touch if there’s people waiting to reinsert and I just assumed nobody was at base. Apologies if I left anyone waiting for 1+ hours

Grid references were definitely fun! It felt pretty cool saying, for example, "Grid 07491224, how copy?"

JTAC/FAC and FO is probably the most fun role for me personally