Map: Thirsk Winter
Time: 1100
Weather: Clear
Host: [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/3602631/avatar/small.1411590107.jpeg” name=“Shiny”]3602631[/user]
I Situation:
After the local rebels have taken over Thirsk and attacked us last night and captured our general. We are now fighting back. They took us by surprise but we will attack them by surprise all over the map.
We are to hit radio towers and find intel near them. After that we destroy the radio tower to disrupt communications.
The more intel we gather, the easier it is to find the location of our general.
The more towers we destroy, the less enemies will be present near our general.
Friendly Forces:
[] Carpe Noctem Special Forces
[] Platoon, Alpha, Bravo, Engineers, MMG, Nightbird
[] Parachutes
[] 2x Chinook
Enemy Forces:
[*] Guerrilla group
[*] Yes, but they can be deemed hostile as they support the local guerrilla group.
II Mission:
Attack the radio towers and find intel. Each radio tower has a box with intel which should draw us closer to our general. After we have found the intel we need to destroy the radio tower with an explosive charge.
III Execution:
Commander’s intent
[] Attack radio towers
[] Gather intel
[*] Rescue general
Movement Plan
[] No specific order of targets
[] Pick relatively open ground to land or para drop.
Fire Support
[*] None[/list][/indent]
Optional Tasks
[*] Destroy as many radio towers as possible
IV Administration / Logistics:
[*] Resupply will be dropped in open area’s by nightbird. [/list][/indent]
[] At predesignated times, nightbird can pick up friendlies at base and reinsert.
[] Upon insertion to the AO, reinforcements should stick together until regrouping with the main force in the AO[/list][/indent]