Coop - Sicario

Please leave your feedback about the MiniOp here.

My own feedback:
Put down Zeus and a scope box, especially if i tell people that there is one and they all searching for.

Other than that, i hope all of the ones who played, enjoyed it! :slight_smile:

Just leaving this here

[user avatar=“” name=“Arba”]17914993[/user]


It was a fun mission with a lot of action =) Only thing, like i told you already [user avatar=“” name=“Flo”]16433725[/user] , was the pacing =) since everything was very close to each other we nearly never had a break!

I love to blow stuff up, but [user avatar=“” name=“Clarke”]11341464[/user] had all that fun and [user avatar=“” name=“Jash”]16385839[/user] at the end! Now i’m sad…

Good work for your first miniop… i hope you will do some more in the future so we can have some arma action between official ops!

I enjoyed mini-op, it was great, fast paced, more fun then serious(until rock of death which made me snap back to arma reality), so once again sorry to Dulabu, coz I was sometimes bit fucking around.

Mission was a general great time. The level of action was always just right, to allow for me to keep tabs on what was going on and give orders effectively (I think), but without letting us get complacent and maintaining a sense of danger, with bullets and explosions constantly popping around us.

I think some of the most fun parts of a mission are when something completely unexpected happens, and everyone suddenly panics and runs for cover, not knowing what is going on, like when we unexpectedly came under fire from the GMG. We were all quite happily watching our sectors, tending to our wounds etc, and out of nowhere like 5 explosions go off in a line right down the middle of our compound, and we all just scattered. That was awesome, even if it was an accident on Flo’s part. :stuck_out_tongue:

Plus, the moment where I heard a vehicle approaching us, so I assumed it was going to be an MG Technical, until I took a peek over a wall to see it, and I said "Enemy technical approaching from the North-We-OH SHIT NOPE. MBT! MBT!". Again, surprises are exciting and fun.

Great job to you, all around, Flo!

And excellent work to all my little squaddies too. You guys took initiative watched each other’s backs excellently, contact reports were great, and number of casualties was shockingly low considering the enemy strength. GG!

Please leave feed back, stories or videos about the event here.

Great OP! We honestly need way more opportunities to be the door gunner on Helos, it’s a really fun and interesting position to get to enjoy. The bridge moment was also amazing aswell, watching them get boxed in from the air and panicking when you realise you can’t help the ground forces who’re in immediate danger. Keep up the good work Dachi!

[youtube]BringingTheTension - YouTube

I personally really enjoyed this op. From the sky I did get some lags when approaching the bridge due to the sheer amount of vehicles but all in all it was manageable.

Personally I loved deploying the forces for the assault on the castle and I would love to see the video perspective from the boats and zeus!


For the most part the opp it was ok as I only played a little bit of it so I can’t say much about it as, I was only involved in the beach assault and clearing 2 buildings which was the only action I was in. As for communication it could of been better as when I came back to the castle after dieing due to no one watching the back the Only communication I heard was from Skippy and Demzee and when you are clearing building you need good communication maybe I’m wrong but I’m going off on what I heard and saw.

Last of when we ended the opp this goes for all the opps I’ve been in I like to take my kit off and either stand or sit down which to my knowledge that has never been a problem with it but for some reason I got punished for it eg getting lunched into the air and almost dieing, getting hand cuffed, force to do push ups ect. All that because I was "messing around" even though I wasn’t I mean if you have a problem with it all you had to was tell me to put my kit on and say it’s against the rules or something over than "messing around" with me because that pissed me right off and runied it for me.

[quote user_id=“19716424” avatar=“” name=“Blodos”]
Last of when we ended the opp this goes for all the opps I’ve been in I like to take my kit off and either stand or sit down which to my knowledge that has never been a problem with it but for some reason I got punished for it eg getting lunched into the air and almost dieing, getting hand cuffed, force to do push ups ect. All that because I was "messing around" even though I wasn’t I mean if you have a problem with it all you had to was tell me to put my kit on and say it’s against the rules or something over than "messing around" with me because that pissed me right off and runied it for me.[/quote]

Don’t know why you got launched into the air that may have been me accidentally Teleporting you as you were first in the teleport list and I was trying to get an AFK guy back from the middle of the ocean which took about 8 teleports to finally get him back.

Other than that we don’t strip at the end of missions there is no need for it so don’t do it, if people have not mentioned it before it is because it is a failure on their part for not discouraging that sort of behavior on our OPs. The reasons why I as Zeus decide to give you press ups etc in Zeus is because it means I am not interrupting the person already speaking to deal with the issue but allows you and those seeing it know you have done something wrong. Demzee should have listened to the briefing and not got involved although he said he was trying to stop your animation.

I always use the zeus punishments functions while the briefing is going on, then when I have a chance to speak I will address the issue, like I did when I started to brief. I will take on board what you have said because you may not know why something is happening especially if no one before has pointed out what you have done is wrong, I will therefore just voice my concern earlier and not wait for my turn to brief in the future to save the confusion. I just hope that all other staff members and community members will point out when our standards are not being met or at least inform everyone if they have been lowered.

I launched Blodos into the air, Just for fun.