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Map: Niakala
Time: 08:00
Weather: Clear
Host: Arba
DLC required: None
I Situation:
The time of the tense peace seems to be coming to an end in the African wilds. Rumours of a hostile neighbouring state training and arming the militias whose purpose is to destabilize the nation have been proven true by the sudden raid on the village on Kahaki. Origin of the attack seems to be the the town of Pala, just across the border.
Kahaki is ideally situated to be used as a staging ground for further attacks on the city of Shwasana and villages of Chihiti and Bimbi. It must not be allowed to remain in the hands of the enemy. After Kahaki is firmly back in our hands, a cross border raid of our own must be swiftly performed to eliminate the militia presence at Pala.
Our forces at the newly built FOB Kaya are in position to break the enemies offensive even before it truly begins.
However, while the militias may not prove to be a superior opponent, the same can not be said about their masters.
Friendly Forces:
- Southern African Regulars: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, DMT, NTB, FLC
- 4x Land Rover HMG
- 4x Land Rover Open
- 1x MTVR Truck Open
- 2x UH-1H Gunship
- 3x A-29 Super Tucano
Enemy Forces:
- Militia forces of unknown number and strength
- Possible regulars of the sponsor state
- Heavy civilian presence
II Mission:
Take back and hold the village of Kahaki.
Perform a cross border raid on the town of Pala and destroy the enemy forces holding the town.
Investigate the surrounding areas for signs of enemy regular forces.
III Execution:
Commander’s intent
- Stop the enemies raiding forces and destroy their ability to operate
Movement Plan
- Assault the enemy held village of Kahaki
- Assault the enemy held town of Pala
Fire Support
- None
Optional Tasks
- None
IV Administration / Logistics:
- Resupply available at base
- Reinsertions will be on the hour every hour and be adhered to strictly, no deviation is allowed.
- Reinsertions are the same for all, including vehicles teams.
- Platoon Commander has two reinsertion wild cards at his disposal, call this in through HQ.
- At predesignated times, reinforcements will be sent out of the base in the smallest transport vehicle which can hold reinforcements.
- Upon insertion to the AO, reinforcements should stick together until regrouping with the main force in the AO.