Coop - Routine Patrol

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First of all I would like to say thanks for everyone playing so well and being very forgiving of mistakes made by me. We completed lots of objectives and actually suffered a very small number of casualties. We did not face loads of enemies but when we did we dealt with them very well. If there was ever a time I yelled at some one I am sorry it was almost definitely because I didn’t hear some thing or you didn’t.

Looking through cntr and trying to remember what I heard over the radio I am almost positive any problems with our convoy movement were due to short range cutting out while in built up terrain, either buildings or jungle. Orders to push through, change convoy formation or set off always seemed to be delayed in that terrain and never in the open. What was done well was dealing with that problem while on foot, as running around and passing on information is easier when we are infantry on the ground and we have a plan that can be quickly explained in person to FTLs. It is less easy to give orders in response to a changing situation in vehicles when half the guys cannot hear. For example one or two guys driving a truck are very likely to miss an short range radio message where a humvee with four guys has a better chance of someone hearing a message.

One standard operating procedure to deal with this, that was ignored several times, is to rally the convoy after pushing through. At the beginning I gave instructions to everyone on dealing with contact on the convoy: to halt in a defensive formation in open terrain and to push through to cover if in a built up area. I should have also reminded people that we must rally up after contact even if you think you have not left anyone behind.

Other suggestions I have for running convoys when radios are spotty include making sure the convoy leader in the lead vic, which is the navigator in the front seat, should have a long range on them and should either be an experienced FTL or SQL. The last vic in formation should also be navigated by someone with a LRR. In addition to calling out halts the convoy leader should probably use the horn as a signal to stop and when convoy is starting use the horn as a signal to start. With a really bad SRR situation then rally stops in places unlikely to have any threats near by should also be marked and everyone stop there so we can make sure we have everyone.

One thing everyone should remember is that if you are out of radio contact either because we are messily leaving a fight or you are reinforcements moving to rejoin is check the map! A rally point might be placed where we can reform or a reinforcement dismount marker might have been placed. When you are reinforcements do not just look where the friendly markers are and drive off towards them. Even if there is a no special marker for you to go to use your common sense look for enemy markers and act as if they are still active dismount where the friendly forces dismounted and move as they moved to join them through areas they have cleared, In addition reinforcements should inform the friendlies by SRR or LRR as soon as possible. To help in this please do not remove markers put down by PLT or SQD unless they ask you to do it.

Finally if a PLT SQL or FTL asks you to do something you are free to ask for clarification or offer advice, most of the time I accept the advice if I am in a leadership role because you guys know what you are doing. However please do not argue with them if they decline to follow your advice they might have information you don’t have, or they are wrong and it’s on their head when things get messed up. If you wanted to run things you should have volunteered to lead. On that note please do not start taking up tasks without being asked. For example if you are a FTL do not leave your fire team and start unloading vehicles when you should be with your fire team. If it looks like a leader has forgotten to sort something out then wait until it looks like they are not on their radio and ask "Do you need me to do X?".

Sorry if have gone on but on the bright side these are things cause by people wanting to be helpful and taking the game seriously these are nice but annoying problems to have as a leader. It is far more disruptive to have people who don’t care at all, much better to have people who care lots and lots :slight_smile:

As for the mission it was a nice realistic set of tasks. My only gripes being the large number of tasks caused us to rush about and I would have played it slower and more organised to deal with comms problems if I had to do it again. That enemy leader could stay in that base a bit longer. And finally on that southern island the enemy must have emerged from a tunnel in the ground because we bloody well reccied that area. :stuck_out_tongue:

I enjoyed the mission. It was realistic.

I will however warn my two Croatian fellows in the squad not to do that again because chain of command is a backbone of cnto and that was the first time I’ve seen something like that. It was not cool at all.In short words, my fireteam leader took too much initiative while my squad leader didn’t act accordingly (relief in place).

I know you guys are brothers but don’t hold other hostages of your usual brotherly love. :slight_smile:

That was as gentle as I could have told you.

I joined the Mission pretty late and i was very very tired! I can just give a very short feedback on the mission itself:

  • I really liked multiple small tasks, normal tasks, easy standard day to day tasks; they build up a lot of tensions (at least for me) since we never know what’s gone happen next!

  • I like when there is a small amount of enemy in this kind of scenarios and that was well done too.

  • I’m not a big fan of this map but it was really the right choice for the mission. Thumbs up!

  • Map marker for enemy territory was just horrible, please use something else =) (got eye cancer while looking at my GPS)