Coop - Rhodesian Bush War

Share feedback, stories, and videos from the mission here.

I liked the mission. It was balanced, enemy was in decent but not overblown numbers. Intro was really nice, reminded me of Charlie Don’t Surf COD4 mission with helicopter landings at one point.

I’ve got a general question - is it possible to see how far off were we taken out by AI?

Gotta wait for the CNTR upload, then you can get a rough idea

I think one life missions are super fun. If we have a max time or another one after it.
Having a single mission from 2000 till 2230 is in my oppinion too long. I died at 2100 and I was done for the night.
The rest of the night I was super bored and honestly the night was kind of ruined.

I would propose a maximum duration to one life missions so you can still play again later on.
I also do not notice a difference in play of players between one life and multiple life missions, something that we always use as a major point in justifying one life missions. People still make stupid mistakes and leave people on the floor instead of rushing over to keep them alive. People still get shot in the open and leaders still make plans that do not take into account it’s a one life mission.
I might create a brainstorming thread about one life missions later on but I feel like a single one life mission a night is not something I am going to play anymore just because of the chance you might die early on due to yourself or other players mistakes and it just feels too frustrating rather then fun or something that is added to our gameplay/game experience.

[quote user_id=“3602631” avatar=“” name=“Shiny”]I think one life missions are super fun. If we have a max time or another one after it.
Having a single mission from 2000 till 2230 is in my oppinion too long. I died at 2100 and I was done for the night.
The rest of the night I was super bored and honestly the night was kind of ruined. [/quote]

On the one hand I understand where you are coming from, since we are all trying to have fun with arma (as hard as the game tries to make it sometimes)…

But on the other hand, I see some players react and play differently when its a one life mission, and others play as they normally do when they expect a respawn.

Now I don’t want to single you out but since you did post here I will say this: Standing still in the middle of a desert and not going for a rock for cover - like the rest of your squad - is asking to be shot by a sniper. The AI was set to the lowest difficulty (0.2) and missed about 80% of its shots but you insisted on standing still and returning fire from an exposed position.

Maybe your squad could have been quicker to realise you were down, but then again most of them played it "right" and took cover. The point of a one life mission is to punish mistakes, and you made a mistake. Thats not a fault with one life missions.

On another note, the mission ‘started’ around 2030 with a restart and planning, and ended at 2200. Which is about the current time limit of 1.5 hours anyway.

Third shot hit me while I was laying down cover fire so my fireteam could get in cover and to wait until he would duck so I could move. Unfortunately it looks like the AI does not respond to incoming fire at all. I could have immediately turned around and ran the other way while I was receiving fire but then there would not be outgoing fire towards the enemy. I believe we are trained this way.

Returning fire is good when up against a similar element, but crouching in an open desert against a sniper is definitely not the right call. I only saw you prone when you went down but my focus wasn’t entirely on your element so I could be wrong.

That the AI doesn’t duck is news to me, I saw them go prone a lot, especially when suppressed by machine gun fire, which your ARs should’ve been doing while the rest of the squad gets cover.

To be 100 I’m not saying you suck or play bad, just that it wasn’t the right call and you unfortunately died for it.

[quote user_id=“3602631” avatar=“” name=“Shiny”]I think one life missions are super fun. If we have a max time or another one after it.
Having a single mission from 2000 till 2230 is in my oppinion too long. I died at 2100 and I was done for the night.
The rest of the night I was super bored and honestly the night was kind of ruined.

I would propose a maximum duration to one life missions so you can still play again later on.
I also do not notice a difference in play of players between one life and multiple life missions, something that we always use as a major point in justifying one life missions. People still make stupid mistakes and leave people on the floor instead of rushing over to keep them alive. People still get shot in the open and leaders still make plans that do not take into account it’s a one life mission.
I might create a brainstorming thread about one life missions later on but I feel like a single one life mission a night is not something I am going to play anymore just because of the chance you might die early on due to yourself or other players mistakes and it just feels too frustrating rather then fun or something that is added to our gameplay/game experience.[/quote]

Just to recap:

  • The mission overall was around 1.5 hours long
  • The players (from zeus perspective) played carefully and methodically, and as far as I could see you were the only one shot in the open when you refused to move.
  • The medics were on point, people were calling downed team mates all the time. Not sure what makes you think anyone was left bleeding out, everyone was treated, only 2-3 a little too late.
  • The plan was solid, took into account bounding between Alpha and Bravo. The only unorthodox and risque maneuver was Seb’s Taxi service but then again it was to cover open desert quickly to avoid getting pinned in the open.

Was a cool mission. I really liked all the limitations and equipment we got to use, was great.

I also really enjoy one life missions. It doesn’t really affect my own playstyle, but I feel like on the whole CNTO plays more carefully and "profesional" during these ops, which is nice. (I didn’t even realize that it was a one life mission because I didn’t expect to be able to play lool)

Overal good mission with a nice variety of stuff happening, tactics, and gameplay. Hope we get to use this faction a bunch more. Gud jub bae