Coop - Restore the Line

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I’ll split the mission analysis in 3 parts, since it was 3 in one - ambush, attack on Gorg and defense of Gorg.


Approach to the OBJ was good, we fought with darkness in our way. Realistically, no ambush patrol would use loud helicopters to get near ambush zone and alert the enemy but GMs were kind not to punish us for it. Anyway, after getting near ambush zone, things became a bit hectic. Observe MAT and MMG from here -> CNTR - Carpe Noctem Tactical Recap. It was pitch dark and they had to deploy explosives on the road but because lacking a common squad leader it was hard for them to coordinate and in the end the positioning of individual soldiers in MAT and MMG did cost them lives (bunching up). Plat Ldr opted for L-shaped ambush which wasn’t the best choice in this case because the killing zone was split by a hilltop in the middle which basically made fire from weapons Sqd towards northern part of KZ impossible (no LOS). If you observe the ambush (CNTR - Carpe Noctem Tactical Recap) you’ll see that assault element and support element fought separately (follow the tracers), assault element fought with dismounts in two trucks while MAT and MMG had a rough time with BTR. Not sure if explosives helped. Alpha squad disposition was very good with security element (Clarke and Jash) properly positioned alerted the rest of platoon. In pitch dark Dachi did what needs to be done, he led each man to assigned position. Linear ambush would very likely be a better choice for this terrain.

Attack on Gorg

This was a tough one. We were half a platoon strong against a full mechanized infantry platoon. It was difficult but we managed.

We regrouped and went back to (NW) of OBJ GORG. Personally I think valuable time was lost which could have been used better (recon). Reserves would probably be more useful if they brought .50cal M-1025A2 (one or two) at what was our later point of departure and we badly needed air support - Tiloup was doing his best alone but if we had one gunner there mortars would be easier to deal with.

Approach to the assault point (AP) was done in travelling (too risky for the position we were in). Recon has been (somewhat) done from the north but due to lack of time which was in reality self inflicted, nobody was forcing us to hurry up - 2 BTRs and mortar crew were not seen in time. However, with intel we had our ATK on Gorg was actually very good.

Mortars (due to lack of intelligence) did kick the shit out of us but look a this image and follow on -> CNTR - Carpe Noctem Tactical Recap. A Sqd split in two Ft and one was nicely supporting the assaulting Ft. W Sqd (MAT and MMG) were very good at isolating the bldg under assault and prevented reinforcements from (E) joining in. Just look how EN were cut down to pieces trying to help their trapped buddies in the barn. Unfortunately we lost A Sqd ldr there in close combat situation while clearing the barn. EN counterattacked with 2 BTR-80s, southern one getting destroyed very soon (MAT team likely). Then the mortar hell came around here -> CNTR - Carpe Noctem Tactical Recap. We were a bit bunched up but there was no abundance of cover around.

We were helpless against it, unfortunately. It was well defended by 2 BTRs, and only approach from a different side could maybe caught it under direct fire. Reaper was a possibility but he lacked a gunner. Let’s improve on that and always look for EN indirect fire systems first.

Plat switched to bounding overwatch, fire and maneuver and things went ok. A Sqd conducted a hooray charge on the southern flank of the EN with success (CNTR - Carpe Noctem Tactical Recap). At this point most of W Sqd was wounded and you can see a group of men catering for Shakan and me. Like I’ve said on the debriefing, we could set up and improvised platoon casualty collection point (CCP) where heavily wounded could be treated.

A Sqd basically finished the ATK mission by themselves (well done) using bounding overwatch and that was about it. Considering the strength of the EN force I’d say it was a good job so kudos to all of you.

I’m not going to write more about DEF part of the mission because this post has already gotten too long for my liking. :slight_smile:

Yeah thought about that since we heard & even saw the chopper from the Northern par of the village when you made your approach but we didn’t feel like sending you a patrol in pitch black. It would have been messy & mostly likely killed the fun entirely.

Regarding the recon, it indeed would have helped to take advantage that you were already up North to conduct a first assessment from there before relocating. You would have spotted the mortar nest easily.
Despite that, I thought your assault was nicely conducted with teams covering one another & making the enemy movements very difficult. The BTRs were also delt with quickly & efficiently.
One incident to note during your progression on the Southern side, I saw friendlies firing upon Teddy’s team as they were securing a barn near the road. Luckily no one died.

Bunch of text that intends to be constructive criticism:

Interesting mission. I have to say I enjoyed the concept of it more than the mission itself but it is not really due to any fault of the mission maker. It was due to my unfortunate deaths and some immersion breaking.

Concept was great fun. It had three phases: ambush, assault, defense. It sounded like a Happy Meal of high adrenaline. My main issue with the concept was no NVG night-time ambush / assault. Even the best trained units try their very best to avoid assaulting (or any major movement during nighttime) if they have no night fighting capabilities (NVG). In future I hope we can at least have limited NVG-s on similar ops. 1-2 per squad at the minimum. Defense is pretty much the only type that can be done without any NVG semi-effectively during nighttime in modern warfare. Arma toys like the hud, no electronic-warfare and bad noise detection save the functionality. This is just very immersion breaking.

To MM-s: Check out what box script is. Some MM-s don’t know about it yet so we have had few missions with empty ammo boxes. This issue seems to keep repeating.

Overall the plan worked so it was sufficient. I would’ve preferred insertion with Humvee’s in a stealth mission or LZ much farther away but it worked so yeah does not really matter. Noise factor wasn’t considered. We got the ambush done even in the pitch black (I am really glad that Dachi got all units to one side). Too bad that AT-s and charges missed but convoy was destroyed.

For some weird reason helo pickup was ordered to transport infantry 800m away 1.5km away from the enemy town taking a route deep into enemy territory. This is something GM really should’ve punished quite harshly. This level of fuckery is beyond immersion breaking.

Anyways, the assault phase worked bit better. Due to some issue the initialization of the assault by the infantry was never transmitted to the supporting unit. Yet infantry did some great work moving from building to building. Weapons team suppressed stuff. CNTR seems to show it to be effective. Moving trough town had it’s problems due to enemy activity but seemed competent.

I can not really comment on the defense phase. I was manning a mortar.

This is intentional for when the resupply is supposed to be used away from the base, it’s a script that hides the contents until the box is some distance away from the base, to prevent undisciplined people from looting it while in base, leaving ie. no tracers/smokes/grenades inside for when the box actually makes it to the battlefield.
It would be great to fix this on the "people" level, but some people never learn.

Issue was that the explosives that were supposed to be picked up were added to the same boxes. Thus making pickup of them in the base impossible.

Just one point that I picked up in CNTR.

The position of Weapons Squad was bad the whole ambush element this time the platoon should have been on the same side of the road, positioning the weapons squad below this bend means we might as well be on opposite side of the road we are not avoiding cross fire here. The position you were in should really have been were the right cut off group should be and everyone else to the right of Alpha.

Hope this helps for setting up ambush the next time.

Overall a really fun mission and enjoyed myself, I also quite like the pitch black ambush set up mainly because I like that sort of ninja stealth stuff :slight_smile:

I was the right cut off group but for stupidity I wanted to shoot. Luckily I didn’t hurt anyone.

Hello, I liked the night idea, I would like to play more night misions without NV.

Vision in night settings without NV:
Very good thing is to make this change in your Ecs-Options-Video-Display=> brightness and gama options and set it about like 1.5 and 1.3 or more. It will make the night more bright and you will see at night normály without NV !

If it does not change immediately after Ok, you could try to do Ctrl+Alt+Delete to go to your screen background and after click back on icon to go back to game. It should change the gamma for sure. (you will see the change). In the worst case restart game.
If there will be any other night mission, maybe this could be written with the mission briefing to prevent gameplay problems, to setup brightness to 1.5 and gamma to 1.3 or more.

Different monitors could react on this differently so you have to find your settings, which you like. (also I tested only on clean sky, weather could change the visibility in night too)

[quote user_id=“18447842” avatar=“” name=“Mother”]Hello, I liked the night idea, I would like to play more night misions without NV.

Vision in night settings without NV:
Very good thing is to make this change in your Ecs-Options-Video-Display=> brightness and gama options and set it about like 1.5 and 1.3 or more. It will make the night more bright and you will see at night normály without NV !

If it does not change immediately after Ok, you could try to do Ctrl+Alt+Delete to go to your screen background and after click back on icon to go back to game. It should change the gamma for sure. (you will see the change). In the worst case restart game.
If there will be any other night mission, maybe this could be written with the mission briefing to prevent gameplay problems, to setup brightness to 1.5 and gamma to 1.3 or more.

Different monitors could react on this differently so you have to find your settings, which you like. (also I tested only on clean sky, weather could change the visibility in night too)[/quote]
I’m pretty sure this was/is against the Rules, everyone was supposed to have brightness/gamma set to 1.0 exactly to "prevent cheating", though that is recalled from my memory, I don’t see it in the Rules anymore.

It’s somewhere deep on my ToDo list to actually write detection for it (and even then, it wouldn’t probably prevent people from raising gamma in ie. nvidia control panel), though I admit it’s not a big problem in Coop.

I think for purpose coop missions here in CNTO it really does not matter until you do not play PvP. It was simply idea for any other night mission, which are very nice without the NV. As I wrote it could be written in the mission briefing forward - so everybody would know that for the particular mission.
Did not meant to support any cheating anywhere, against other players or some rules breaking.
The brightness and gama - I have 2 monitor types + notebook. All of them are different for arma3. The two things simply can make it playable as on one monitor is totally dark and on other i can see normally, the difference is enormous. It s about the monitors too, not just about setting. Setting is there for compensation of monitor minuses or pluses, i believe. So the problém will not dissapear by detecting script as you can simply buy better monitor.
In the dark what was there I did not see a person 1 meter from me. So I used the brightness 1.5 but the same i can make on monitor button, probably (did not try) or MSI gaming application which changes post proces effects (movie, game, eye rest, custom).
I read the rules while ago, but do not remember it too. So I hope i did not breake some (?).
Maybe Im little bit romantic but i like the dynamic lights and dynamic weather in missions a lot. So I did some experiments for my SP purposes and 1.5 brightness, 1.3 gamma, bright sky are greate for night fighting (mission creaters could try as it s really different experiece like with heavy fog. You can experience the muzzle fleshes fully and shoot back.) (the AIs had NVs just I did not when testing), and without that, I really can not enjoy night without NV as I see zero meters or have to use fleshlight or hand flares.
If the change settings is agains CNTO rules I do apologize for that and will not repeat, I should ask in game.

Just how the arma can look well and different in night: