Coop - Proteger

  1. How was AMS?
  2. Any issues?
  3. Enough of bandages and stuff?
  4. How were the loadouts? Any issues?
  5. Did you like the assets provided? (Vehicles)
  6. Did combined arms improve the gameplay or detract from it?
  7. Did you like the defensive stuff provided? (Mines, Static weapons, entrenching tools,etc). Were they sufficent?
  8. Did you like the enemy and its attack intensity?
  9. What about enemies composition (enough of a mix between tanks, infantry, IFVs, APC)?
  10. How was the AI?
  11. How was the overall pacing for you? Were there alot of boring lulls?
  12. Was the OPORD descriptive enough or would you have expected something more in there?
  13. Was the landscpe interesting? Were the tools provided useful in the landscape? Any other issues with the map?
  14. Leaders, were the tactical aspects fun? How did your units do? Who did especcially well?
  15. How did you like the mission idea overall?
  16. What do you think made the mission good or bad experience for you?
  17. What do you think we did well? What did we do bad?

How was AMS?

Good. Except that people couldn’t surgery on the medic.

Any issues?

See above.

Enough of bandages and stuff?

Plenty, I thought.

How were the loadouts? Any issues?

Loadsout were nice, when they were working properly.

Did you like the assets provided? (Vehicles)

Vehicles were bugged like crazy. Just one of those things,

Did combined arms improve the gameplay or detract from it?

Didn’t notice.

Did you like the defensive stuff provided? (Mines, Static weapons, entrenching tools,etc). Were they sufficent?

Engineer squad setting up defences were great. Allowed for improvised fallbacks.

Did you like the enemy and its attack intensity?

Enemy was good. Didn’t feel too accurate or unfair and the mounting strength of their attack felt excellent.

What about enemies composition (enough of a mix between tanks, infantry, IFVs, APC)?

I saw mostly BTR’s and light vehicles, not much infantry but we were always on flank guard so.

How was the AI?

AI was good. Maybe a little easy.

How was the overall pacing for you? Were there alot of boring lulls?

Sometimes we had a little bit of sitting around but again, we were stuck on the flank.

Was the OPORD descriptive enough or would you have expected something more in there?

OPORD was great, gave me exactly what I needed.

Was the landscpe interesting? Were the tools provided useful in the landscape? Any other issues with the map?

I know a lot of people don’t like the map. I do personally, though the lines of sight can be a little irritating at times.

Leaders, were the tactical aspects fun? How did your units do? Who did especcially well?

Yes, Ranger did a great job I though. Can’t say anyone stuck out.

How did you like the mission idea overall?

Defence missions are a favourite of mine.

What do you think made the mission good or bad experience for you?

The only thing that brought the mission down was the bugs.

First of all, i flew CAS

How was AMS?

  • I like the AMS, but it did not come in to play for me.

Any issues?

  • I spawned with standard bandages (non-AMS). Furthermore, because the jets were placed in the hangers (which i like! Adds to the immersion) i sustained minor scratches - not ideal.

Enough of bandages and stuff?

  • no comments

How were the loadouts? Any issues?

  • I liked my loadout. If it could be possible - it would be awesome to have a parachute equipped.

Did you like the assets provided? (Vehicles)

  • I like that we have jets, alot!!
    but I must admit i felt a little bit impotent with the jet provided. this is because I felt, I had very limiting effects on the T-80 as well as the BTR’s. It is a small jet, so i can understand the limiting munitions. But with the rearming, it takes forever.
    Also it should be said, the jet i used had a better HUD than e.i. the A10.

Did combined arms improve the gameplay or detract from it?

  • I will always say it improves the game.

Did you like the defensive stuff provided? (Mines, Static weapons, entrenching tools,etc). Were they sufficent?

  • I do not know.

Did you like the enemy and its attack intensity?

  • I did, it proved to be very difficult to evade the shear amounts of AA-missles coming for me, and with the limiting amounts of flare, it got frustrating one time. Because i noticed i had run out of flare.

What about enemies composition (enough of a mix between tanks, infantry, IFVs, APC)?

  • For me it was really good.

How was the AI?

  • no comments.

How was the overall pacing for you? Were there alot of boring lulls?

  • not really. only when rearming, but apparently EI still managed to sneak into the camp and starting shooting at us.

Was the OPORD descriptive enough or would you have expected something more in there?

  • was hoping for some heli’s incoming, would have been fun with som air to air combat.

Was the landscpe interesting? Were the tools provided useful in the landscape? Any other issues with the map?

  • it was a good mix between high hills + cities + forrest.

Leaders, were the tactical aspects fun? How did your units do? Who did especcially well?

  • I think the communication was really good between Air and SQL. although communication broke down, when (I assume) SQL died? Air did not hear anything…

How did you like the mission idea overall?

  • really nice mission with the use of AI. It is just a bit more complex, when AI cannot communicate to you that they have been overrun. As CAS i found out Bravo 1-2 got overrun by a BTR.

What do you think made the mission good or bad experience for you?

What do you think we did well? What did we do bad?

  • not communicate SQL had died and, to my knowledge, nobody took over.
    I think the call for CAS could be improved. I guess since we do not use air support often, we are not used to have the ability to call in for CAS support.
  1. Nothing spectacular, basic bandages in the loadout.
  2. Missing items: GPS, Long Range, wrong bandages. Map ddisappears when switching backpacks.
  3. Enough.
  4. As mentioned above.
  5. Yes, I like 2 man trucks.
  6. Improve.
  7. Trench is my life. Yes, they were sufficient.
  8. Yes.
  9. Didn’t experience many contacts.
  10. No idea.
  11. Being an engineer has its drawbacks, but staying alive is not one of them.
  12. OPORD was fine.
  13. Map was fine.
  14. Tactical trenches were allright. My unit did great as a support for the rest of infantry. We are one, we are Legion - everyone did well.
  15. The idea was great.
  16. Mostly loadout bugs ruined the experience. Don’t know if it was me, but I think the coms could get better.
  17. Securing the Hill 2 (lost map, guessing it was Hill 2, the one with Rangers on) went good. No other observations.

Btw, I tried rolling out of the hangar multiple times after the mission and it was fine - the goal is to go below 10km/h, eg. very slow, as there’s a small bump on Lingor hangars.

[quote user_id=“15892250” avatar=“” name=“Bananapeel”] but I must admit i felt a little bit impotent with the jet provided. this is because I felt, I had very limiting effects on the T-80 as well as the BTR’s. It is a small jet, so i can understand the limiting munitions. But with the rearming, it takes forever.
Also it should be said, the jet i used had a better HUD than e.i. the A10.[/quote]
The jet is literally a copy of the AAF Buzzard jet, with a different paint job and without the bombs and other ammo types.

(I’ll provide less structured feedback as I’d be repeating what John said.)

The mission felt very rushed, which was understandable given the narrow time window and our slow planning / dealing with vehicles, though it felt strange going back to the base (as an engineer) for supplies to reinforce the first line and returning back to reinforce the third one. I’ll try to come up with MM-usable ways how to speed that up, especially for missions with engineers.

One mistake we made from the start (and I pointed it out less than a minute before it happened) is that we didn’t wait for the main squad to arrive first in the AO, so we got shot by the BTR. Oh well. Let’s not do that again.

Other than that, I quite enjoyed the mission. I think some of the defensive positions would benefit from HMGs upfront, especially against the light armor. Too bad we didn’t get there in time. I’m also not sure if anyone ever used that mortar support that was on standby.

Oh, and damn that sneaky bugger that shot me in the back!

Enjoyed it, just a few comments really. Loadout issues were a little strange, some of us engineers had maps, some of use didn’t, I had a map but not a compass. Also the bandages were just field dressings. I also spawned without a long range, which is what our team was using to communicate.

Also note to covering elements. When we went to mine the first bridge, the least you can do is pre-emptively smoke it for us. We got slaughtered. :dizzy:

That initial BMP surprised me, glad we stopped further back to scope it out… As best as I could with the naked eye anyway we didn’t have any binoculars.

Think we did a good job as engineers, but there was a lot of confusion concerning directions and navigation, and could have been more communication. I didn’t know which way was which without a compass, so I had to keep consulting the map and getting my berrings or asking for my friends to point things out to me, and others didn’t even have a map. There were several occasions where we drove past roads we needed to take, or accidentally drove towards the front-line and had to turn around. Mostly because we’re not used to lacking a GPS or being blind map-wise or compass-wise, but I think another convoy training would be beneficial for us. Coms and such.

I don’t really have anything to add that hasn’t already been said, apart from one tiny gripe:

The flashlights we had were blocking the Grenade Launcher sights. I had to remove mine to be able to see anything when I was firing at about 200m or above.


SO does anyone have the screenshot of our amazing smoke screen on the hilltop? I know we popped a hell of a lot of smoke.

So the naval smokescreen?

Hey, it did it’s job of getting us to the truck.

Holding the river crossing on the second front line:


Ranger 1 Rifleman AT PoV: