COOP: Police Bussiness

Map: Tanoa
Time: 2000
Weather: Cloudy to Clear
Host: Shadisica
DLC required: Apex


I Situation:

The Tanoan Gendarmerie has been unable to keep up with the Maru Cartel, so they’ve hired the TFNMC to level up their firepower. We’ve been doing good work, the cartel is moving it’s operation away from Tanoa. They’ve kicked out the civilians from the Savu industrial port and La Rochelle Aerodome and have gathered their forces and stock there.

Friendly Forces:

  • Task Force Noctem Mercenary Corps
  • PLT, A, B, C
  • Arrest and clean-up teams will follow behind you to secure any drugs, weapons or suspects.


  • Gendarme Vans
  • Gendarme Pickups
  • Darter UAV

Enemy Forces:

  • Maru Cartel


  • Reports are that Maru’s Soldados showed up and forced the civilian employees at these locations to leave. There might be stragglers.

II Mission:

We are to sever the Cartel’s head while we have a chance here. We expect them to open fire on sight as we’ve been hitting them pretty hard over the last weeks.

III Execution:

Commander’s intent

  • clear out the marked port and aeroport areas.

Movement Plan

  • At PLT’s discretion.

Fire Support

  • None available.

Optional Tasks

  • Find any clue as to the current location of Soloman Maru, head of the Maru Cartel

IV Administration / Logistics:


  • Resupply available at base and can be called in.


  • Reinsertions will be on the hour every hour and be adhered to strictly, no deviation is allowed.
  • Reinsertions are the same for all, including vehicles teams.
  • Platoon Commander has a one time reinsertion wild card at his disposal, call this in through HQ.
  • At predesignated times, reinforcements will be sent out of the base in the smallest transport vehicle which can hold reinforcements.
  • Upon insertion to the AO, reinforcements should stick together until regrouping with the main force in the AO.
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“We are to sever the Cartel’s head”
Big caliber or a sharp edged weapon… :thinking:

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The first warehouse full of coke was a joy to clear solo! Very well placed AI.