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Map: Isla Pera
Time: 07:00
Weather: Slightly cloudy with a risk of rain
Host: @Shadisica
DLC Required: None
The island of Isla Pera is an old colony of Belgium, which is famous for its long sandy beaches, palm trees and crystal blue waters. But since the colonial powers stepped back and left the locals to set up their own semi-independent government, a power vacuum was created. Due to this, the islands have become a hotbed for cartels and illegal logging. After recent escalations in fighting between the local Defence Forces and the coalition of the three biggest cartels called “The Pearl Warriors”, Belgian Forces have been deployed to prevent the militant extremist group from overtaking the island.
I Situation
An unit of Belgian Forces have been inserted into a Isla Pera Defence Force military base. Due to the volatile situation on the island, and the run & gun/guerilla tactics used by the cartel coalition, the local defence forces are spread thin. They’ve requested assistance with a few vital and urgent operations.
Firstly, as their supplies are spread thin and their convoys often get ambushed and attacked, they have been having trouble getting vital supplies to some areas. They’ve requested that you safely transport some humanitarian supplies to a local town.
Secondly, they have heard reports of local civilian workers getting rounded up and possibly even executed by the hostiles for non-cooperation. They believe the prisoners are being help in a compound and have asked assistance with rescuing them.
Lastly, the hostiles have captured key infrastructure to gain control over the region. They have concentrated sizable forces to protect these locations and the local defence forces do not have the manpower to retake these position.
Friendly Forces
- Belgian Armed Forces
- Locals can help secure any prisoners or equipment. PLT has UGV Stomper access (DLC Dependent, can be just an AR-2 from locals).
- 4x Hunter (Unarmed) - 4 seats: 1x driver, 3x passenger - no callsign
- 2x Hunter (HMG) - 4 seats: 1x driver, 1x gunner, 2x passenger - no callsign
Enemy Forces
- The cartel coalition known as The Pearl Warriors has equipped themselves both with captured local equipment, black market weapons bought with their sizeable wealth and also self-built/jerry-rigged assets.
- Expect anything from ground based infantry with technicals and armour to potential helicopters or planes in the sky.
- Heavy civilian presence.
- Civilians are scared of the Pearl Warriors and might not want to co-operate out of fear.
II Mission
Your unit is to aid fulfil the operational tasks of the Isla Pera Defence Forces. The final planning is down to Platoon’s directive, however, the humanitarian supplies should take priority.
III Execution
Commander’s Intent
- The most urgent priority currently is the transport of the humanitarian supplies and infrastructure. There are some backwater negotiations going on for the workers, but they are not going well.
- You’ll be provided transport trucks loaded with the supplies but it is up to you to escort the vehicles. The hostiles have marked the objective locations on your maps along with any known dangers.
- Once the main objectives have been completed, you are to RTB for RRR.
Movement Plan
- Due to the nature of the cartels organisation, they have many cells around hostile controlled territory, be wary of any unexpected patrols, convoys or roadblocks.
- Belgian Armed Forces vehicles have been transported for you to use, however, the locals can provide additional cars should they be required.
- Hostiles are known to use dirty tactics and utilise civilian assets for their own utilities. Make sure to confirm your targets. Both civilians and hostiles use helicopters and planes as well on the island.
Fire Support
- No additional fire support available.
Optional Tasks
- Should you find any hostile ammo, drug or vehicle depots, you are to either secure or destroy them.
- Capture any hostile fighters as PoWs.
- Gather any intel possible, possibly through civilians if they cooperate.
- Rescue any captured or wounded civilians from the warzone.
IV Administration / Logistics
- Enemy Prisoners of War (EPWs) are to be secured and friendlies can then secure them.
- Ammo resupply available at the base.
- Reinsertions will be on the hour every hour and be adhered to strictly, no deviation is allowed.
- Platoon Commander has a one time reinsertion wild card at his disposal, call this in through HQ.
- At predesignated times, reinforcements will be sent out of the base in the smallest transport vehicle which can hold reinforcements.
- At predesignated times, an armed escort vehicle will be sent out to escort reinforcements from the base.
- Upon insertion to the AO, reinforcements should stick together until regrouping with the main force in the AO.