Coop - Park Life

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I get up when I want, except on Wednesdays, when I get rudely awakened by the dustman.

The mission seemed like a great time until it broke the matrix. Hope we get to finish it sooner or later.

Ozzie’s jokes are slowly fuelling my descent into alcoholism.

There not my jokes! I was trying to pass the time so I found a site that tells bad jokes.

I enjoyed the game up until the server crash.

I would like to end this mission next Friday, i really liked the beginning =)

This is why we had radio problems - . Whoever was editing the arsenals didn’t do it solely from the editor, but used loadouts saved from mid-game. To fix, use Useful-Scripts/ at master · CntoDev/Useful-Scripts · GitHub , … error free: .

Very lovely mission. Sad that it ended so quickly :cry:

Thanks for checking there. My fault for assuming that that faction was safe to use. Anyway now I know how to test for that.

Thanks for the kind feedback everyone. I will update the mission to our new standards and maybe simplify the OPORD. Very well done on the planning and use of the equipment provided you were really making good use of what you had and getting through the objectives. Very impressive planning and team work.

That custom faction will be[quote user_id=“9240990” avatar=“” name=“Teddy”][quote user_id=“13633351” avatar=“” name=“Freghar”]This is why we had radio problems - . Whoever was editing the arsenals didn’t do it solely from the editor, but used loadouts saved from mid-game. To fix, use Useful-Scripts/ at master · CntoDev/Useful-Scripts · GitHub , … error free: .[/quote]

Thanks for checking there. My fault for assuming that that faction was safe to use. Anyway now I know how to test for that.[/quote]

It was not your fault. We’ll need to recheck those custom factions now.

[user avatar=“” name=“Dachi”]12591864[/user] fixed the issue this morning. From his mobile phone. Talk about dedication!