Coop - Operation Sunrise Part 1 & 2

Please leave your feedback for the two one-life missions in this thread.

This is the tactical planning thread.

Go to sleep man xD

Nice feedback old man

Good op.

Already in the YIR:


I had a blast.

I quite like one life ops, except the part where we had to wait for 30 minutes because people kept disconnecting due to various reasons. The op was so fun though that I forgot about it pretty quick.

[quote user_id=“5721247” avatar=“” name=“Koffer”]I had a blast.

I quite like one life ops, except the part where we had to wait for 30 minutes because people kept disconnecting due to various reasons. The op was so fun though that I forgot about it pretty quick.[/quote]

Had a blast in the first part, the ending was amazing! Made me almost forget about the first 30 minutes of waiting on people to sort their mods and then watching churizo herding his cats into a convoy…

I think one life missions need to have a respawn and a VISCOM with the full ace spectator enabled. Its just a pain to not be able to JIP or wait another 5 minutes every time someone gets battle eyed.

Can’t comment on second mission, I lasted 2 minutes in the AO.


To do’s for the next mission:

1.) lower the music volume after 30s and maybe shorten the songs too.
2.) figure out JIP slots for technical issues and latecomers.

I know I could set up Viscom with full 3D camera together with regular respawns but I’d like to try to have JIP slots integrated in the one-life module setup. Just for kicks.

[quote user_id=“11341464” avatar=“” name=“Clarke”]
I know I could set up Viscom with full 3D camera together with regular respawns but I’d like to try to have JIP slots integrated in the one-life module setup. Just for kicks.[/quote]

You’re a masochist and its no wonder you don’t sleep :expressionless:

That is not a far fetched theory… :LOL:

Search one life module in Arma Additions. Set mission as respawn base.