Coop - Operation Red Storm Pt 2

Please leave feedback on the mission, what you liked you didn’t like and share your stories or videos.

When my net wasn’t playing silly buggers I had some real frame rate issues. Not really sure what was causing it, but I died once because of it.

Once its done:


Poor framerates for the time I was there in the last insertion. Had plenty to do as a medic, kept stumbling into the most dangerous situations.

Alpha was flanked and wiped, i killed two of their assailants, waited until it was clear and dusky was backing me up before I began patched up my wounds and got to work on Highway, but couldn’t carry him, and dragging was bugged, anyone else have that issue? couldn’t drag him anywhere. It nearly got me killed by a BMP, had it not been for the timely rocket strike.

[quote user_id=“9116490” avatar=“” name=“Price”]
I began patched up my wounds and got to work on Highway, but couldn’t carry him, and dragging was bugged, anyone else have that issue? couldn’t drag him anywhere. It nearly got me killed by a BMP, had it not been for the timely rocket strike.[/quote]

You have to disable the combat pace while dragging in order to move, took me a few deaths to understand that :smiley:

(I will post feedback tomorrow, sleepy bed bed (#zcribe))

[quote user_id=“3327235” avatar=“” name=“Pantoufle”][quote user_id=“9116490” avatar=“” name=“Price”]
I began patched up my wounds and got to work on Highway, but couldn’t carry him, and dragging was bugged, anyone else have that issue? couldn’t drag him anywhere. It nearly got me killed by a BMP, had it not been for the timely rocket strike.[/quote]

You have to disable the combat pace while dragging in order to move, took me a few deaths to understand that :smiley:

(I will post feedback tomorrow, sleepy bed bed (#zcribe))[/quote]

Ah… that wasn’t in the handbook

You can’t say the mission wasn’t action packed, I even got to kill me a BMP :slight_smile:

Great mission. We could have played a lot better though. We were in a hurry for majority of the operation and that’s where we made most errors.

Maybe splitting the mission in two with briefing in between would help to pay more attention and stay focused. But still well thought and executed mission. Well done Dachi.

It didn’t really go well… They say we got the objective done but… AI seems better in urban warfare on pretty much every mission and we didn’t secure sectors properly sometimes… I was dead for pretty much 1.5 hour and didn’t get to see much action. Although I liked my 2nd life but then again, it was short. Since zribe got a video of it I won’t bother to upload my cus not much to see there and still gotta upload the previous one :stuck_out_tongue:

Good job I guess… Wish I lived longer.

I forgot to suggest something.

  1. Maybe enabling AI in mission would be good. If you enable AI in a mission and disable it in a lobby when Goat gets kicked by battleeye his character will be taken over by AI and he can come back to where he left. That is much better than losing time waiting for the reinsert. Of course, AI slots should be disabled on start.

  1. This was a special forces mission where we should have fought as little as possible what we failed to do. It was mentioned in the OPORD to leave the fighting to the main group (AI). Maybe few trainings with SpecOps attitude would be helpful or small focused mission with emphasis to using special forces tactics. Instead of trying to kill everything that moves, we might want to try and move in, do our job and disappear stealthy.

Mission was really intense, the friendly AI gave a nice feeling of large scale conflict (or at least larger than usual). I had lower fps than usual but it was enough to enjoy the mission.
I kinda agree with Dachi saying we were not so effective this mission. It feels like we don’t really know how to proceed in an urban environment. There was various instances of 4 or 5 people stacked behind the same wall/building, enemies flanking us by themselves and also lot of friendly fire. I really think we (at least I) could use a training for urban conflict as thoses situations seem to repeat themselves and usually do not end well.

I will say even if you were all Universal Soldiers it would still be a really hard mission it was meant to be :slight_smile: but watching Zcribes video I can see FPS played a big role and guys were coping much better than I thought they had some awesome guys leading and taking lead.