Coop - Operation Red Storm Pt 1

Please leave feedback on the mission, what you liked you didn’t like and share your stories or videos.

When the process is done:


Great mission.
the only thing i had problems with was my framerates when we entered the city, but it was still playable.
Keep up the good work, can’t wait for part 2

Very cool first mission, looking forward to the next one!

god damn couldn’t make it…but at least Arrival was a really good movie :D. Hope you guys had fun(also do check out Arrival it’s a great movie)

Fucking hell I really wanted to be there but dem girls didn’t have time to get drunk at weekend… But a bit of social life is nice. 10/10 Glad that zcribe recorded it

Cheers for the replies guys one thing I really learned was a second Zeus that could fly will be a god send in the missions to come!!

I’m game if you’ve not found one yet - do you need to brief the 2nd Zeus, or will it be a case of grabbing someone in role selection?

I have had a volunteer but if they can’t make it just jump on the server early before the mission and I will brief you up if that person doesn’t show up, cheers.

Hey I can talk you over about my experience with deploying the 2nd zeus thing. Tbh I think it really needs training as certain aspects need to have a clear ruleset such as how to communicate and who does what.
If not held to certain standards it can actually give alot of chaos due to miscommunication.

[user avatar=“” name=“Dachi”]12591864[/user] - did you have lot of units? Did you notice AI becoming a bit "simpler" when having many AI on the map? It seems it’s a logical constraint - AI calculation have only a fixed time frame and less soldiers could mean smarter AI. Not 100% sure though.

Btw can’t wait to play this one.

[quote user_id=“13688253” avatar=“” name=“Highway”][user avatar=“” name=“Dachi”]12591864[/user] - did you have lot of units? Did you notice AI becoming a bit "simpler" when having many AI on the map? It seems it’s a logical constraint - AI calculation have only a fixed time frame and less soldiers could mean smarter AI. Not 100% sure though.

Btw can’t wait to play this one.[/quote]

I am not really sure mate they seem to always be stupid lol