Coop - Operation Neptune Spear

Please leave feedback on the mission, what you liked you didn’t like and share your stories or videos.

[spoiler=Long]We have a good radio discipline on long range. That does not work if the Special CQB team only has long range radios. We also only had quikclot for "healing."

For Zeus: If you take over an enemy AI, you need to use more of an accent while using ACRE.
I heard Highway use the name "Highway" instead of some arabic name which would be more fitting for the AI, which confused me.

Zeus also shouted out on the radio that we forgot someone, and that was all the intel we got. Then a helicopter landed at the base to take us to the save the forgotten soldier. Half-way through the trip I ask the SQL who we are picking up, and he didn’t even know.
I’d rather not have the Zeus intervene if they are not roleplaying a leader element. Both missions the CQB team did not even know what we were doing.[/spoiler]

Special troops only had long range radios. It is easy to miss, but now you’ll never forget it. :wink:
If you are Zeus and you take over an AI, please use an accent fitting for the nationality if you are using voice chat.
Zeus should think twice before sending intel/orders over long range. They should at least send the intel to squad lead and then let squad lead decide on what to do.

Sadly, I was dead for most the mission. So I am unable to give you any more feedback. Sorry :frowning:

[quote user_id=“2292486” avatar=“” name=“Anarchy”][spoiler=Long]We have a good radio discipline on long range. That does not work if the Special CQB team only has long range radios. We also only had quikclot for "healing."

For Zeus: If you take over an enemy AI, you need to use more of an accent while using ACRE.
I heard Highway use the name "Highway" instead of some arabic name which would be more fitting for the AI, which confused me.

Zeus also shouted out on the radio that we forgot someone, and that was all the intel we got. Then a helicopter landed at the base to take us to the save the forgotten soldier. Half-way through the trip I ask the SQL who we are picking up, and he didn’t even know.
I’d rather not have the Zeus intervene if they are not roleplaying a leader element. Both missions the CQB team did not even know what we were doing.[/spoiler]

Special troops only had long range radios. It is easy to miss, but now you’ll never forget it. :wink:
If you are Zeus and you take over an AI, please use an accent fitting for the nationality if you are using voice chat.
Zeus should think twice before sending intel/orders over long range. They should at least send the intel to squad lead and then let squad lead decide on what to do.

Sadly, I was dead for most the mission. So I am unable to give you any more feedback. Sorry :([/quote]

The Special forces team were made from units from our Custom CNTO units I will pass on to the faction maker the limitations of only long range radios in the loadouts but I did not customise there loadouts.

Zeus in regards to myself does not put on accents lol I can not do them and I sound stupid doing them, I do however make it known I am enemy with what I say on this occasion by telling Highway to kill the prisoner.

This one about letting you guys decide what to do, where to start… Well the statment "both missions the CQB team did not even know what we were doing" confuses me as the initial mission of killing the HVT is laid out in detail in the opord and in the in game briefing so how you didn’t know what you were meant to do is down to you also if you take the leadership role of the SF team then read the brief or ask I was in game as HQ.

I didn’t shout over radio you had forgot someone I contacted Teddy as acting Plt Comd that he was to ensure he had everyone as we had intel that enemy were chasing combatants in the AO first man left behind.

Second man left behind again I contacted teddy and told him that the enemy had taken a prisoner and that the SF team was authorised to attempt a rescue mission, the fact you as a group didn’t even know who you had left behind and that you were even missing guys, plus the fact you guys were not told the last known position of friendlies in the area is not down to the zeus to plug the gaps of information missed by the players. Also both men left behind were optional to go back for.

Thank you for your feedback I will make things simple in the future to avoid confusion and also only have separate elements filled from the start with clear objectives to avoid this in the future.

I only can say that even with dsync and a lot of "i don’t know what we are doing here moments" i really liked the mission. I was with Lancer 1 and we had a lot of OW to do, even if it was hard to see anything i gave myself tasks all the time : "Pay really close attention / Go watch our back / Lets go check nobody is sneaking up on us to the north etc."

Sometimes don’t be engaged from every angel like you would think it should or would be feels awesome to me and once there is something happening it gets even more exciting. I liked the mission, the amount of AI i had to face (not much) and the scenario. But i know also that as FTL it would have be different since you always have to make sure your team does not get bored and the job is still done, so you can’t really relax even if nothing is happening.

Anyway… nice mission overall!

I did already say so during the debrief but I’ll repeat here for the archiving.

Great mission all round Dachi. Sometimes low intensity with a combination of suspense is a brilliant atmosphere and you nailed it. It did feel like there wasn’t much to do at time, but as a DMT unit, you don’t expect to be in action constantly so I have absolutely no complaints about that. Eistee made a great partner out there and we were always clear and on the same level as each other.

My one complaint is the lack of NVG equipment. I think it’s absolutely fine to have something like the Fireteams with no NVG, but as a specialised team, DMT should have a NVG scope or NVG rangefinders because trying to effectively provide marksmen support without these things is extremely hard, especially shooting at ranges of 800m+

[user avatar=“” name=“Dachi”]12591864[/user] I thought the mission was very well thought out and the two-phase action felt really cool. Reminded me of Zero Dark Thirty. Really, really cool and I forgot to say that last night on debrief. Apologies and thanks to both Zeuses, [user avatar=“” name=“Highway”]13688253[/user] and Dachi.

Also, I like the idea of using more than one type of specialized unit, such as the sniper, MAT, specops etc.

I do however enjoy a bit more action, even if we are ‘just’ overwatch. It doesn’t have to be shooting, just feeling useful. For the better part of the mission I felt like we were just there for the idea of having overwatch, while not actually being able to provide it properly. When flares were up, there were no enemies, when they were not up we were just watching silhouettes. Same as [user avatar=“” name=“Dulabu”]11583892[/user], I tend to watch the sectores which people tend to neglect, especially the back, but that was a waste of time since nobody would flare behind so it was dark 99.9% of the time.

As you said, that may have been my FT because apparently the other FT had a lot of action, but that’s just my point of view. Had I been in the other team, I might be singing a 100% different song now.

One thing I thought was really wrong was that infantry truck which popped out of nowhere, drove past us, dismounted next to a wall and died in a blaze of crossfire towards the end of the mission. What was that? If just felt completely random and out of place. Particularly knowing that they could’ve dismounted in the dark and lain fire all over us.

Also, [user avatar=“” name=“Skippy”]14911388[/user], to my knowledge, anything above 600m distance is not a DMT, but a Sniper Team and that can mean that either the DMT was not utilised properly at ranges <600m or the team did infact lack proper equipment to make it a sniper team. Either way, it could be improved. I do like the idea of having a sharpshooter, either as DMT or Sniper, on board and I’ve been advocating it for a long time now.

I wasn’t there for long, but it was a real clusterfuck and I had no idea what was going on, nor did the leadership.

There was a period where xander, someone i’d attached to dissapeared into the wazoo, after his vehicle dramatically flipped over and caught fire, I couldn’t find him anywhere so thought he was dead, so tried to communicate with others using short range to inform them xander was dead. Unfortunately then we kept trying to hail each other by switching to each other’s channels and missing each other, and nobody in the fireteam said "hey teddy is addressing us on our frequency right now"… I also heard on channel 1 much earlier since I’d just joined and had no idea what frequency my group was on, what was going on with teddy’s fireteam and they wanted a vehicle. We had all the vehicles but it wasn’t communicated to squad lead or squad lead ignored it.

Anyway I think my driver crashed into a rock or the back of another humvee due to desync during convoy and even though we were middle vehicle nobody notice we’d died.

Pretty shoddy and embarassing performance across the board IMHO.

Before I say anything I want to know - Was the lack of NVGs for regular army because of my recent post on forum? If it is, thanks for listening :slight_smile:

Mission was amazing. I liked how we had to adjust ourselves to what we’re dealing with after that 1st RPG shot at us :slight_smile: . Seneram died in 1st 5 minutes of action and I didn’t take FTL on role assignment 'cus I woke up literally 10 minutes before the OP. I took AAR and quickly became FTL anyways :slight_smile: . Despite the fact I felt tired everything was as smooth as it could have been. Movement through 1st town - 10/10. I would say that everything went very well until the point I died. Rubberbanding enemy teleported inside building and killed like 5 people. The fact it was a night mission was great as well. I guess some people were complaining because they have bad monitors and it was harder to see, in darkness, than it should have been. I turned off any lights in my room, that helps a lot and using flashlight was everything I needed since I was able to see like 100-200m forward with this light. Use flares was also nice. TL;DR I loved the type of mission.

The special forces were strong "meh" for me. As someone said it was just run and gun. I kinda felt like badass with all this fancy stuff(those 9mm smg’s actually kill…) but then I got hit. Quickclots are not something that is able to heal a gunshot wound… I used 3 or 4 to heal 1 gunshot wound. IDK why some of you didn’t know the the orders. I just quickly ran through OPORD as I woke up in front of my computer(yes… I fell asleep in front of computer…) and I knew what we were doing. So… SF wasn’t so much fun for me. At least we did good after all.

I don’t want to talk about rescue mission… All we ha is that someone was left behind. How the fuck are we supposed to work with it? 5 people died trying to save someone we had no intel of.

I also agree that DMT should have gotten scopes with NV along with NV rangefinder or binoculars(I don’t know which one they had)

Also the comms were good. I’m surprised to hear that some people thought comms were bad. I do remember that 2(or 3) of my questions on the radio were not answered but that could have been ACRE bullshit on some of them.

In conclusion, GREAT mission, I loved it very much although the rubberbanding destroyed part of my love for this mission. Despite the moments I didn’t like it was fun to play. I just wish SF hadn’t left the regular army behind while they had some problems with extracting.

I’m gonna post videos soon( I hope)

Guys, read the OPORD before the event, you will not be confused about the mission. Regarding nvg, I thought it was cool playing without them especially when special forces stormed the compound with nvg while I was Zeus without them shooting at the shadows and dying in load, grotesque military manner.

We will however need to do something about AI as at the current state they are completely unchallenging to the players.

[quote user_id=“9116490” avatar=“” name=“Price”]I wasn’t there for long, but it was a real clusterfuck and I had no idea what was going on, nor did the leadership.

There was a period where xander, someone i’d attached to dissapeared into the wazoo, after his vehicle dramatically flipped over and caught fire, I couldn’t find him anywhere so thought he was dead, so tried to communicate with others using short range to inform them xander was dead. Unfortunately then we kept trying to hail each other by switching to each other’s channels and missing each other, and nobody in the fireteam said "hey teddy is addressing us on our frequency right now"… I also heard on channel 1 much earlier since I’d just joined and had no idea what frequency my group was on, what was going on with teddy’s fireteam and they wanted a vehicle. We had all the vehicles but it wasn’t communicated to squad lead or squad lead ignored it.

Pretty shoddy and embarassing performance across the board IMHO.[/quote]

I really think you had a bad opinion because you joined late and because you were having serious ACRE issues. I had a long range and communication between the squads was on point, as was any information relaying too.

> No NVG was wonderful. I think we could use more light sources (mostly flares but chemlights too). The fact that we couldn’t read the map very well was a big plus in my opinion. It was not black to the point you couldn’t read it anymore but it was harded, which is normal since it’s night. Also I noticed you can go near lights (car or player, etc.) to make the map bright and I find this really immersive too.

> Regarding the incident (if it was indeed one) with the truck full of AI: In my opinion this is one of the main reasons we need a 2nd Zeus so he can drive the truck himself and make the guys disembark in a reasonable position. However I think this kind of scenario happened a lot less than before the use of 2 zeus. Also it is obviously impossible to micro all the ai and they will eventually act like morons so we can’t hold any grudge.

>I agree with the need for night scope for DMT. I did play the DMT marskman role once but as part of squad lead in a night op and it was really hard to be as useful as I should have been.

>I think we need to work on our extractions as we always seem to rush it in a "quick let’s get back to base quickly" fashion and forgetting about the remaining hostiles. We should emphasize that we need to maintain 360 and cover the retreating element as they come back to us rather than rushing to the vehicles. This happened several times already. Maybe this as to do with the mission ending soon and then not worrying to die … There’s not much thing to do about this is it ?

>My capture was a nice adventure, there was a bit of roleplaying going and it felt really nice, too bad it wasn’t part of a campagin :smiley: Won’t talk about my "rescue" tho

Edit: It’s up.

Videos will be up tomorrow or in 2 days here: ArmA 3 Operation "Neptune Spear" by Carpe Noctem - YouTube

As for now there is this:

[youtube]Arma bulshittery - YouTube

and that:

[youtube]It was at this moment that Shields knew... He fucked up. - YouTube

Hi everyone, your mission Commander here with thanks and apologies!

First of all, thanks to everyone for sticking with the mission despite the technical problems and thanks for the Zeus Team in working hard to make an interesting mission with lots of fun original elements. As usual I had to take a few days to think about what I could have done to be a better commander and think about the feedback.

The mission was laid out in a nice clear way with some simple objectives which was good as I didn’t have too many decisions that could have scuppered the entire operation. Looking back now the main things I would do differently with the benefit of hindsight are:

Rotate Lancer Squad to take the lead in the assaults and manoeuvres as they ended up gazing off into the darkness too much. I tend to be very cautious and like to have whole fire teams in overwatch as I have suffered lots of sneaky rear attacks in the past but that is no excuse for not alternating the roles of squads and fire teams so everyone gets more or less equal action. In my defence I lost track of how many JIPs there were and that Lancer was up to two fire teams by the time the first town was clear. Then again that is why you ask for sitreps.

If we ever have technical problems like that again I would give up on trying to move the vehicles tactically as they caused more harm than good. They became impossible to drive except slowly on the road and separated for safety. Also even under the best of circumstances using a vehicle to knock down a wall is a risky thing to do and you never know how strong that wall is. If I try that again shoot me.

Next time I will try not to panic when told a large force is about to attack the area and we need to RTB. Even if you are rushed a commander should make sure there is an element guarding the area as a convoy forms up and make sure everyone is accounted for. In addition, if the vehicles had been left behind in safety we could have fallen back to them rather than mount up under fire.

For the first rescue mission I should have made sure everyone knew who we were rescuing so me being killed didn’t cause guys to be left behind. Finally, for the last rescue mission I think I should have offered my help with a ground force so that the CQB team leader had some support. However, I believe I did pass along all the information I received and at the time I felt the CQB guys deserved a fun mission on their own since they had been waiting around so much.

Anyway this is mostly for me to remember things to do better for next time. Everyone, especially Pantouffle and Dulabu did great.