Coop - Operation Market Garden

Map: Rossche
Time: September 17, Morning
Weather: Clear, some overcast
Host: [user avatar=“” name=“Shiny”]3602631[/user]


I Situation:

We will be playing as the 101st Airborne.
We will be dropping near Eindhoven. Our first objective is to secure all the landing fields. Then we clear the city of Eindhoven and then move on to Son. After Son we will take the 64km road to Nijmegen and secure the bridge. The 82nd Airborne Regiment will land near Nijmegen and we are to help them secure the bridge. Connect with their leading element either on radio or in person when you reach the town of Nijmegen and get your orders from them.
The Irish Guard with their shermans and transport trucks can only move if we clear road D191 (Hell’s Highway). The 30th Corps (XXX Corps) will move with them and resupply and reinforce the rear. We have to make sure the entire road is clear.

Quick note, Shermans can not drive off road. The ground is too muddy and we will get stuck thus losing our Sherman. If you do so you will be counted as lost vehicle and you will have to wait for the full hour to get another one. We only have 2 available until the Irish Guard catches up to us.

Friendly Forces:

[] 82nd Airborne Regiment
] 101st Airborne Regiment
[] Irish Guard
] Able, Baker, MAT, Dagger, Platoon (Dagger is a must, they will operate as parts of the Irish Guard)


[indent][list][*] 2 x Sherman 76mm

Enemy Forces:

[] LXXXVI Armycorps
] 2nd Fallschirm-Armycorps
[] 2nd SS-Panzercorps
] 7th SS-Armycorps
[*] 526th Reserve-Division


[*] Yes

II Mission:

Market Garden consists of two sub-operations:

[] Market – an airborne assault to seize key bridges, and;
] Garden – a ground attack moving over the seized bridges creating the salient.

III Execution:

Commander’s intent

[] Secure the landing fields for the paratroopers.
] Link up with everyone at Hotel
[] Clear the city of Eindhoven
] Move to Son and secure the bridge before it is blown up
[] Clear Hell’s Highway (D191)
] Link up with the 82nd
[*] Secure the bridge of Nijmegen

Movement Plan

[] Make sure the Sherman does not move off road
] Follow the objective list in that order

IV Administration / Logistics:


[*] Resupply will be conducted by reinforcements or the Irish Guard. [/list][/indent]


[] Reinsertions will be on the hour every hour and be adhered to strictly, no deviation is allowed. Reinsertions are the same for all, including vehicles teams.
] Platoon Commander has a one time reinsertion wild card at his disposal, call this in through HQ.
[] At predesignated times, a transport will be sent out to pick up reinforcements from the base.
] Upon insertion to the AO, reinforcements should stick together until regrouping with the main force in the AO.


Please go ahead and get a tactical planning going. Most of the objectives are laid out but the attack on the city of Son and what to do after we cross the river is open. Also what elements to take, order of movement and how you want to move (do you want infantry to take Willy jeeps?)