Coop - Operation Green Sun

Please post your stories and feedback below.

Well… The mission was fun and simple and we did good. YAY! Everything was going well until that village… Because of the bad communication I killed Skippy and shot someone else. I checked the map, there was one team nearby, checked if I can see them. I could and then someone’s firing at our direction. Asked if those are actually friendlies. Answer was no so I blew up his brain with my bullet. Also in the town we had some extremely close encounters where there was no time for talking we just had to shoot before they open fire at our teammates or us. At least I had those situations. But overall everyone did good job.

Videos coming probably tomorrow as always.

Some screenshots:

Played the role of FTL of Ranger 2. Had to leave early so wasn’t there for the feedback so I apologise If I repeat something already mentioned.

I liked the overall mission design very much. There was alot of interesting landscape to tactically exploit for movement of forces and mistakes to make from bad positioning. Objectives were straightforward, well paced and not overly intricate and the end goal changing (cartel guy escaping) gave it an interesting twist. There were some things that removed from the experience in my opinion: AI kept doing suicide rushes to my guys positions and managed to do accurate fire at us 800m away while standing.

One thing that really killed the simulation for me was the seeming invulnerability of couple of units. I don’t know if the fire just wasn’t accurate or effective, was it due to design or just arma being arma. Little bird loaded with men took seemingly no damage when a squads worth of men were shooting at it from 200-300m. The escaping boat that also took squads worth of consistent fire from 300m away.

I would also like to ask whether keeping units in overwatch position near the "Barracks" was punished or just AI managed to outmanouver them by flanking?

Loved the G3-s.

I carried more weight than usual because the g3 mags are heavy. Their reduced clip size hurt us a little in some engagements too. I like them though. That boat was carrying someone with a blue beret and aviators (So he was clearly a high ranking bad guy), so I tried to get that message down the chain and got the rest of the fire team shooting everything they had at him, hopefully get something to intercept it, but he managed to get to his personal fortress which we then had to assail. (There was a similar occasion when we were shooting at a littlebird and our bullets were seemingly innefective or just missing. I didn’t think we were that terrible at aiming, so I thought shenanigans might have been involved like heavy armour.)

When we breeched his auxiliary fortress, I held him up at gunpoint and tried to arrest him but he pulled a gun on me so I shot him. If i’d been a little faster with the zip ties we may have got him alive, but from the angle I was at, I couldn’t find the sweet spot with the interact menu to zip tie him. Was a little miffed Dusty took my trophy beret but what can you do. Also Dulabu threw a grenade in after us on the second floor. Good job Dulabu.

All in all, despite the large casualties across the board (which had something of a ripple effect on ranger one as we were trying to do the job of two fireteams with three guys.) Really fun mission.

Not sure what to say about the suicide rushes I left ASR on so they were mostly doing their own think I took over a few guys to scare you guys with some accurate suppressive fire. Good to hear about the AI though I am sure Ryujin will find this helpful in gathering information on the AI and future tweaking.

[quote user_id=“16558368” avatar=“” name=“zcribe”]One thing that really killed the simulation for me was the seeming invulnerability of couple of units. I don’t know if the fire just wasn’t accurate or effective, was it due to design or just arma being arma. Little bird loaded with men took seemingly no damage when a squads worth of men were shooting at it from 200-300m. The escaping boat that also took squads worth of consistent fire from 300m away[/quote].

I did capture the HELO taking lots of fire on video and was wondering how it was still up, you did damage it though as it was forced to land. Also I was driving the speed boat and it’s also in the video I was zig zagging like crazy and I was still worried you had me, engine went yellow.

Not quite sure what you mean the guys at the barracks did great and it was an awesome position to dominate the rest of the ground to the south. The only enemy that got close after you took the position were the reinforcements in the truck that unloaded across the water to their East and engaged your units to the North East i admit at the time I was controlling one the squads enemy AR’s and was suppressing the crap out of your NE units expecting the guys at the barrack already on our flank to demolish us. So didn’t see what damage the rest of the AI squad did to the guys at the barracks.

And I love the G3’s too :slight_smile:

Yeah if we use any uniform/Vest other than RHS US, ammo will always be a bit tight especially with the G3’s large calibre rounds but I like it too it makes for different scenarios where ammo is running low and puts more emphasis on ammo conservation and team work. Also saw COY Comd bringing Supply box back and forth in the commandeered land rover was cool.

See my response to Zcribe above. But I will look into it :slight_smile: might have been just Arma!

Also guys I noticed I had left the command and signal part of the brief out of the event description but I will point out that on the map briefing screen before event start I told all to check in game briefing command and signal section.

ArmA 3 Operation "Green Sun" by Carpe Noctem - YouTube Late but I had a shit tone of things to do.


