COOP: Operation Dead Weight

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A very exciting and enjoyable mission tonight thanks to Demzee!. We had the objective to take a VIP actor around the island to multiple video recordings. We encountered various forms of enemy forces which we had to deal with whilst protecting the VIP. There were loads of funny moments I wish I had recorded :LOL: My favorite moment from tonight has to be getting ran over by an AI on a go-kart and almost dying :d Lesson learnt; don’t try and take go-karts that aren’t yours!.
Thanks to Fishgrit for confidently squad leading, Welshy for being medic (even though he needed saving more than anyone :wink: ) and Blodos for the LMG support :cool:

[quote user_id=“19695464” avatar=“” name=“MrLaney”]A very exciting and enjoyable mission tonight thanks to Demzee!. We had the objective to take a VIP actor around the island to multiple video recordings. We encountered various forms of enemy forces which we had to deal with whilst protecting the VIP. There were loads of funny moments I wish I had recorded :LOL: My favorite moment from tonight has to be getting ran over by an AI on a go-kart and almost dying :d Lesson learnt; don’t try and take go-karts that aren’t yours!.
Thanks to Fishgrit for confidently squad leading, Welshy for being medic (even though he needed saving more than anyone :wink: ) and Blodos for the LMG support :cool:[/quote]

I agree with everything Lane said, really enjoyed the mission thank you Demzee for zuesing the mission for us.


I to also agree with MrLaney that opp was pretty funny to play I really enjoyed the part where I found out that you can get locked up into the back of the car and the part where Fishgrit killed Santa. So thx for the mission Demzee.