If you are keen on leading next week tuesday I highly suggest to look at the OPORD below and come up with a plan for insertion/target acquisition and exfil.
[spoiler=OPORD]Map: Tanoa
Time: 1934 hours
Weather: Clear - projected stormy
Host: [user avatar=“https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/2509934/avatar/small.1584375752.gif” name=“Baegel”]2509934[/user]
I Situation:
The Tanoan government has fallen into disarray. A rogue group called “Syndikat” has taken over half of the island with old Soviet arms. These have now been traced to a Russian arms dealer Aleksei Krashnyov, known as Alex the Red, who is in the process of delivering Soviet armour to the Syndikat.
Friendly Forces:
[] TFN
[] All elements except DGR available
[] 1x Chinook
[] 1x Greyhawk drone
[*] As many boats and striders as you want
Enemy Forces:
[*] Syndikat
[*] Few
II Mission:
Platoon is to assault the Blue Pearl industrial port and apprehend Alex the Red.
III Execution:
Commander’s intent
[] PLT is to assault the industrial port and eliminate any Syndikat forces
[] Under all circumstances is Alex the Red to be taken alive. If he dies, the mission is considered a failure.
[] While stealth is an option, PLT is to use all equipment available to home in on Alex the Red’s position ASAP as he will likely attempt to flee to a safe house if you’re spotted.
[] All other planning/insertion up to PLT. A Tac Plan is recommended.
Movement Plan
[*] Up to PLT.
Fire Support
[*] 1x Greyhawk drone[/list][/indent]
IV Administration / Logistics:
[*] Resupply is available at base and can be flown in via Nightbird.[/list][/indent]
[] Reinsertions will be on the hour every hour and be adhered to strictly, no deviation is allowed.
[] Reinsertions are the same for all, including vehicles teams.
[] Platoon Commander has a one time reinsertion wild card at his disposal call this in through HQ.
[] At predesignated times, reinforcements will be sent out of the base in smallest transport vehicle which can hold reinforcements
[] At predesignated times, an air transport will be sent out to pick up reinforcements from the base
[] At predesignated times, an armed escort vehicle will be sent out to escort reinforcements from the base
[*] Upon insertion to the AO, reinforcements should stick together until regrouping with the main force in the AO[/list][/indent]
Area of Operations:
Area of Operations II:
Area of Operations III: