Coop - ODC Part 4

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While I didn’t see much of the op in general due to my role as mortarman, what I did see seemed very fun. Being a mortarman was also very fun to do with Flo, and I definitely hope to do it more often. Times where we don’t have access to air support, need to do a surprise attack without a loud af thing overhead, or just to mix it up, would be a good opportunity to pull this out of the closet.

Was a unique experience that was very enjoyable, and I think that it requiring some prep, team, and setup work also adds to the game instead of just calling in an airstrike. It not being instantaneous, but can be delivered anywhere within about 4KM range is a good advantage to have, not to mention the ability to deploiy smoke and illumination rounds (which we didn’t use much time). Especially the ability to deploy the latter two could make it a very good asset to have, depending on the mission.

Anyway, great mission. Nothing to complain about, thanks Dachi. Hope we get to use this more often.

Thoroughly enjoyed the mission this time, these defend and hold missions make a nice change from the "march across the entire map, do a couple fights, march all the way back" missions.

There was a fair amount of confusion at first from Red team as to where exactly our bunker was and it took us a while to find it, I blame poor map reading on that as for a while we thought the mortar pit was the bunker, soo, sorry heh. This, coupled with having to hold behind a while to grab the supplies from the truck left Yellow to charge ahead and get engaged before we were in position. When asked where they were and if they needed support I heard over the radio "At the gunfire"… Really? How about some more detail next time, like did you make it into cover at your bunker? Cos if not we’ll need to expect contact before we make it to ours. A little detail can go a long way.

As a little critique to zues, as part of Alpha Red team it felt like we had long periods of just sitting there watching the area while we could hear Yellow being engaged, I’m sure if you had a co-zeus we would have been kept a lot busier but going off memory we had I think one and a half engagements and then the blackhawks fell on us and we got wiped out down to one man heh. It got a lot more exciting after that with falling back to camp crumpet, pushing forward again, finding a bradley behind us! etc.

On the medical side of things it’s hard for me to review, I got lit up from the blackhawk and died and then never took a shot for the rest of the mission but I do need to reiterate what was said in debrief, CPR people, it’s important. When I was downed I could hear those around me bandaging my body, I’m pretty sure I still had blood left in me, and then just as they were finishing up bandages I ragdolled leading me to believe they hadn’t checked pulse and CPR’d. Wasn’t so bad this time as I died exactly on the respawn timer, but 5 minutes later could have been annoying :stuck_out_tongue:

Overall, good mission, enjoyed it, good job Dachi! Looking forward to the next ODC.

The op was good, but I disliked the first hour (really was only 5 minutes of gameplay for me) due to several mistakes being made. First yellow got split off too far from red and then we got engaged by the paratroopers which initially I thought were friendlies since they were behind our defensive lines and I didn’t think they got dropped so close. (Also they were all looking at the sky and since AI loves to look there when there’s aircraft up, like the American Chinooks, I figured they are friendlies looking to shoot them down.) In any case, Mattdogs who did a great job that op went down with the first bullet, and within a minute all of yellow was down. It then took 3 minutes for the others of Alpha to arrive and in the remaining 2 minutes nobody checked pulse or performed CPR on me or Mattdogs so we both died before it was even 20:30.

Ah ye next time when I am surrounded by enemies on 3 sides within 50 meters I will take the time to open the map and give a detailed position. I was annoyed the question even got asked since the bunkers were clearly marked on the map before we even got sent into the mission, and there literally was a black line straight down a forest with cover marking the route yellow was taking to the bunkers. In any case, there was no time to expound, since 2 seconds after I said that I was down.


For the rest of the op, I really liked the defensive positions we had. The main weakness was a patch of forest between the MAT/MMG positions and yellow position. Most of the gunfire red team heard was me shooting at enemies using that patch to get behind our lines, as well as the Striker we had which we used to engage targets at long range. I tried to get more people to help me cover the eastern flank, but it was pretty chaotic so the message didn’t get through.


Just some feedback on the medical for me:
Check pulses. For real people. Heard it during debrief how it was missed and I also died due to failure of checking pulse. I had one head wound, which got patched, but I got left behind without being checked for pulse.Then I got picked up, carried back to base. And only there I got checked for a pulse. CPR was started but at that moment, my timer had run out. If it wasnt for the reinsert 2 mins after I died, I would have been really salty.

Also, I don’t exactly know who of yellow died at the start due to medical errors. I got there as medical reinforcement but due to not being able to see shacktac dots, I might have missed people who were bleeding/in cardiac arrest while treating others. If it happened, I apologize.
(I know I abused Koffers body for a while)

And once again, I really dislike the CPR system as it is

[quote user_id=“5721247” avatar=“” name=“Koffer”]
For the rest of the op, I really liked the defensive positions we had. The main weakness was a patch of forest between the MAT/MMG positions and yellow position. Most of the gunfire red team heard was me shooting at enemies using that patch to get behind our lines, as well as the Striker we had which we used to engage targets at long range. I tried to get more people to help me cover the eastern flank, but it was pretty chaotic so the message didn’t get through.


For this kinda week area it might be good to, assuming we have them, get mortars to pre-register those areas as they are ID’d. This allows us to prepare our data so we can get fire on those locations quickly as you need it, which should help keep those gaps closed.