Map: Stratis
Time: 1237
Weather: Stormy to lighter rain
Host: Ohdahh (Co-Zeus: Shadisica)
DLC required: None
In the far future, after years and years of civil wars, the once peaceful European nations have convoluted to a new being: North Atlantic Terrorist Organization, or short, NATO. In service of their great leader Jens Stommenberg they try to take over as much land as possible so they can stretch their influence across the remainder of “Europe”.
I Situation:
A few days ago, they have taken over the island of Stratis so they have a stronger military presence in the area and can cause some more mayhem. The island was mostly used as a small military storage unit, but little to no forces were there to defend the island when the terrorists first landed, all friendly military units were killed, with the few civilian forces working the land being kept hostage.
They now have taken control over certain camps and created a sort of stronghold in the town of Agia Marina. Next to that, there are some other forces scattered across the island, who will act as reinforcements should it be necessary.
You, the Counter Stommenberg Alliance Treaty, or short CSAT, are being dropped in to rid the island of NATO’s occupance and put an end to Jens’ uprising. The airfield next to Agia Marina looked like a great place to catch them off guard and give them only limited time to set up defenses.
Friendly Forces:
- PLT, A, B, C.
- You’re on your own.
- None
Enemy Forces:
- NATO infantry and armor
- No
II Mission:
You are tasked with clearing the stronghold of Agia Marina and the remaining camps with terrorist units.
Hostages have been taken to a small compound close to the Kamino Firing Range awaiting extraction to NATO HQ, your job here is to secure these hostages and bring them back to the airfield so they can afterwards get relocated back to their homes.
III Execution:
Commander’s intent
- Clear and recapture Agia Marina of terrorists
- Clear and recapture Air Station Mike-26 of terrorists
- Find and rescue hostages by the Kamino Firing Rang
Movement Plan
- Recommended movement plan is to clear Agia Marina first so that the strongest portion and amount of enemy forces is cut off. Afterwards, the Air Station is the most logical next move, so that the hostages can be rescued safely.
- In the end, the movement plan is made at PLT’s discretion.
Fire Support
- None
Optional Tasks
- None as of mission brief.
IV Administration / Logistics:
- Resupply can be brought from base.
- Reinsertions will be on the hour every hour and be adhered to strictly, no deviation is allowed.
- Reinsertions are the same for all, including vehicles teams.
- Platoon Commander has a one time reinsertion wild card at his disposal, call this in through HQ.
- At predesignated times, reinforcements will be sent out of the base in the smallest transport vehicle which can hold reinforcements.
- Upon insertion to the AO, reinforcements should stick together until regrouping with the main force in the AO.