COOP: Neca Ne Neceris

Leave mission feedback, videos or fun stories below in the thread.

Map: Kunduz River
Time: 07:30
Weather: Clear Skies
Host: @Shadisica
DLC Required: None

November 16th, 2001

We are at the end of the first phase of the invasion of Afghanistan. We have almost complete control over the area west of the Kunduz river. While there is not much cohesion among enemy troops, the east side of the river is stall largely “bandit country”.


I Situation

We have largely destroyed enemy supply dumps via way of airstrikes. Before we can cross the Kunduz however, there are a few depots remaining that were not valid targets for airstrikes due to being located in civilian areas.

Friendly Forces

  • US Army Rangers
  • Warlic: A10-A Warthog available for tasking
  • Xan: 3x M109 SPG available for tasking
  • Circus: Logi pilot available for delivery of reinforcements and supplies.


  • 4x M1043(M2) - 5 seats: 1x driver, 1x gunner, 3x passenger
  • 4x M1043 - 4 seats: 1x pilot, 3x passenger
  • 2x M1097 - 8 seats: 1x driver, 7x passenger
  • 1x AH-64D - 2 seats: 1x Pilot, 1x CPG
  • 1x AH-6M - 3 seats: 1x Pilot, 1x copilot, 1x passenger

Enemy Forces

  • Taliban insurgent forces remain on our side of the river, but most of the better equiped units have retreated across the river.


  • Yes
  • The civilians are indifferent to the brand of the boot on their necks, they have lived under one iron fist or another for the past 50 years, they simply wish to be uninvolved in international affairs and live their own lives.

II Mission

4 Weapon supply depots are suggested by intel, you are to go there, clear the area of possible civilians and safely destroy or capture the enemy assets.

III Execution

Commander’s Intent

  • Investigate all marked objectives and determine the best means of denying the enemy any useful weapons, supplies or vehicles that you find.
  • remain available for adjacent taskings.

Movement Plan

  • At PLT’s discretions.

Fire Support

  • A-10A available for gun and rocket runs - Callsign WARLIC
  • M109 battery (120mm artillery) - Callsign XAN

Optional Tasks

  • Improve relation with civilians

IV Administration / Logistics

  • Enemy forces have in the past surrendered en masse when a battle started going our way, we are already in a bad spot as far as PR goes, so be mindful of this.


  • Resupply available at base


  • Reinsertions will be on the hour every hour and be adhered to strictly, no deviation is allowed.
  • Reinsertions are the same for all, including vehicles teams.
  • Platoon Commander has a two time reinsertion wild card at their disposal, call this in through HQ.
  • At predesignated times, reinforcements will be sent out of the base in the smallest transport vehicle which can hold reinforcements.
  • At predesignated times, an air transport will be sent out to pick up reinforcements from the base.
  • Upon insertion to the AO, reinforcements should stick together until regrouping with the main force in the AO.


Medical feedback pls:

TS3 Stats: Grafana

A fun but an objective too long imho. Mostly due to low amounts of players and me being really tired, so I lost focus and motivation along the way.
Thank you @Azic @Sindh and @John for being a great team! Though I think we should have stuck together and communicated a bit better, as sometimes we spread apart a bit too much. Mostly on me, as I was having a hard time focusing due to brain power and stuff.

Surprisingly low amounts of deaths in red considering wounds. Thank you team and @Teddy for keeping them holes plugged!

Thank you so much @Shadisica for the mission!