Coop - Morning Raid

Please leave your feedback for the one-life mission - Morning Raid - made by [user avatar=“” name=“Highway”]13688253[/user]

Lots of fun. I managed to survive hiding behind a rock whilst a BTR shot at it for about twenty seconds. Also got shot sprinting away from said BTR by a BMP and limped into safety. Fired 1000+ rounds of the MMG and had to ditch it in the end for a normal rifle as I was out of ammo. Great fun all round. Really messy fall back in haste but very real feeling.

Super fun mission, first time playing DMT Marksman, it was a lot easier than I thought, no wind effect at all. I really hope it will be possible to play DMT again.

The mission itself got intense straight away, and didn’t stop getting more and more intense every minute, running away from the BTR was fun.

Really good line up of a mission, was fantastic for run by wire AI. Thanks to Abuk for fixing the hole in my head. Dulabu and i tried to push up to flank the Armour but were taken out as soon as we rounded a tree formation and from there on in had a birds eye view of the rest of the mission. Really enjoyed it.

Thanks [user avatar=“” name=“Abuk”]1171274[/user] for big help tonight.

I can only apologize to members for the nonworking PvP, I was hoping it will be ok but you never know with Arma.

I had a really good time. Alpha was performing well, communications where good and my fireteam a blast. The mission was very simple but allowed for nice maneuver, suppressive fire (from hell) and there was a lot of action.


PS: Link is now working

[user avatar=“” name=“Dulabu”]11583892[/user] did you post entire history of human race? :slight_smile:

Video has been re-uploaded. The quality will be better next time, and i have to change some sound values.