COOP - Missing Eyes

Post your feedback, videos and stories. I know you have loads.
I won’t take offence it’s all lessons learned.

I had minor fps lags or frame skips from the start. It was worse around our spawn base then in the AO on the East.
Other than that, really enjoyed the mission. Would have been better if there were a couple of enemy squads or soft vehicles more but otherwise it was good.

Good mission, great locations, fun enemy to fight.

FPS issues were on my end too, it did reduce once I set my view distance to 1000 but this is the first mission I had to do that for.

8/10 mission, CNTO sucks at convoys

A bit tedious for bravo-1.
Also the main gun change is a "minor change to our standard faction" which isn’t allowed. But with the run changes coming i guess maybe this will change.

First off thanks for the mission, I could tell loads of effort went into making it.

Mission feedback:

  1. Frames were an issue but settled mostly after reducing view distance by a lot. Could be map or amount of items placed.
  2. lots of waiting with very few enemies, could do with more action but the action we did get was great. We tend to move quite slow so maybe fewer objectives with more enemies might be a way to go.

Bravo feedback:

  1. I could have been better on radio both L/R and S/R, this seems to be an issue for me. Need to balance them better and pass on information more, even if it means I am talking for 3 hours straight.
  2. All squad members performed great!
  3. Work on points were to be more cohesive.
  4. FTL’s were good on comms and did a great job in general.

Great mission! I know it is a difficult balancing act for mission makers but I think a bit more enemies, where we were not dealing with logistics, would have been welcome. Also if a player suspects they may have connection problems they should not drive a vehicle and also be very careful to either not take a leadership role or make very sure that their second knows exactly what orders have been given so they can take over smoothly.

Thanks for the feedback, know I had some issues with balancing the numbers of enemies, but every time I felt ready to send new units it seems like you were getting ready to move out. But no excuse, I will step up the body count next time.

Not sure about the frames, hope it got better when I cleaned up some of the bodies(Should have done it a bit earlier).

Regarding the weapons/custom faction, I just placed down the TFN ACRE-E module and thought it was like one of our standard faction adaptions like the Gear Silencers.

There is no TFN ACR module though?

Did you use EZ Faction?

AND: for what its worth, it was fun playing with ACRs, I see no problem with it.
But MMM and SSGT need to start thinking clearly about what rules they want to enforce with what members, its getting ridiculous

There was some that Chu had made, thought it was part of the pack.

Good mission Longbeard, despite my whole fireteam being physically sick IRL we had a blast. Good fun as always.

[quote user_id=“2509934” avatar=“” name=“Baegel”]There is no TFN ACR module though?

Did you use EZ Faction?

AND: for what its worth, it was fun playing with ACRs, I see no problem with it.
But MMM and SSGT need to start thinking clearly about what rules they want to enforce with what members, its getting ridiculous[/quote]

Longbeard has used an ACR conversion module for our TFN faction that is indeed allowed within our rules, I am providing a link below:

If you have any constructive criticism regarding my performance as MMM bring it up with me personally, I will not tolerate any and all sidetalk towards me, and in fact, it is You have jumped to premature conclusions in this case without conducting necessary research for this argument. I am not mad, just disappointed.

The map used for this OP is the most true-to-life map of an urban territory I’ve yet to see in Arma. I would love to see more OPs on this map.