Coop - Medically Brainwashed

Please leave feedback on the mission or your awesome stories from it including videos.

Once its done: (Half of it is VISCOM. Please stop making mission names too long. You mess with my template)


would drink beer and be confused again

I gave most of my points at the end of the mission but wanted to again comment on how much better we performed and how good discipline was well done to all including MM’s on a great OP.

Great mission. I’m really liking to the fact we had 2 GMs. It seemed to make the whole mission run smoothly and it didn’t feel like anything from the AI was forced. The mission premise was also good, I really liked having to help civilians, build a base and deal with a heavily armed group of rebels that had artillery support.

I felt like the plan for the most part was good. Losing all our vics at the new FOB was not helpful and the full frontal assault on the last town just seemed to happen rather than being planned. I would have taken more care over that one but it was very late so I went for a good old bayonet charge! Who doesn’t like ending by dying in a blaze of glory every so often anyway?

I also agree with what Dachi says about discipline and comms. I may have said that it was all because of my great leadership skills but you all know that I was only joking. I give myself up as an easy target to take the mick out of lol. The truth is it doesn’t matter who’s leading as long as they have a basic understanding of what they have to do. It comes down to the guys that fill up the FTs and we had some great quality players for this one and they all did great.

Convoy comms got a little messy at one point but was otherwise very good and contact reports need work, but besides that comms were clear and concise. The way everybody worked together and all units supported eachother was great to see and madr my job much easier.

Speaking of leadership Did it feel like overkill have me as Plt Lead when we only had one full squad and an engineering team? Personally I love having the extra leader, as I would always rather make sure that leadership and plans are taken care of rather than have an extra riflemen. I keep meaning to start a thread in the brainwashing forums about this topic. I’m sure I’ll get around to it at some point.

Overall great mission. Can’t wait for the next one.

I was fireteam leader of Alpha 2 for this mission. I’ll cover a few points.


I liked the idea of the mission (patrolling and helping civilians with a medical truck was great). There was a good pace, going slowly and ramping up in intensity and difficulty as time passed… However I don’t really know what went wrong with the last objective (too many enemies?) , but the end of a the mission was a bit chaotic and even now i’m not sure we actually succeded since we all died there.
Also I don’t know how useful the engineers were since this wasn’t purely a defensive mission and the FOB that was supposed to be built was just a circle of trenches with some vehicles.
Last thing, I’m not sure how well or bad I personnaly did, but I felt that the communications were good, or at leaast better than before. It was my first time officially leading a fireteam so I had to communicate with squad lead from start to finish, and I can say that I almost always knew what the situation was, what were my orders, what was the situation of my fireteam (ace/sit rep) and it felt great ! Convoy was better than usual too.

Enemy artillery

For me, enemy possessing artillery is always a controversial. It doesn’t always feel right. When we have artillery, and we call it on an FOB or whatever, we fire it with high precision at the first fire mission. Why wouldn’t the enemy do the same ? This is a RP point of view, because we all know you don’t rain down artillery straight on top of us so we don’t all die without warning, which would be unfair of course, but that takes us back to my first point: why would the enemy miss us, seemingly on purpose. Overall this doesn’t really feel immersive but I can’t really think of any solution … I know this topic was already discussed before although I didn’t have the courage to read the whole thread…

Double zeusing

I’ll repeat what I said in debrief. I’m really happy that someone was willing on trying double zeusing and even more happy that it turned out great. The ai seemed to be more fluent in general indeed, as well as acting in an unexpected way (unexpected from an ai, which means like a human would do, which is great !) The enemies trying to take that machinegun back and shooting at us from 900m was epic !
however there are a few things I would’ve liked to see, knowing there was another zeus
(Bananapeel (2nd zeus) said he had a lot of things to do, so I can’t guess how feasible or not those things were, but I’m gonna what would have made my operation even better, thanks to the other zeus) :

-AI Armor. It would be great to see the enemy use an armor as a human would do, which is not speeding in the middle of anyone then coming back slowly while barely firing at us. So maybe 2nd zeus could remote control the driver and stay back. That would mean more dangerous armors, which mean we’ll have to coordinate in order to destroy it. If this is a thing then I imagine the enemy would possess fewer armor.

-Enemies far away. At one point we were at the end of the town were we medical supplies were delivered and we had eyes on a few enemies on top of the big mountain on the right. It looked like there weren’t seeing us even when we were crossing the big ass open field right in front of them, and this also doesn’t really feels right. I think having a second zeus should make us feel like we are fighting humans but, don’t really know how hard or easy it is to achieve
that (I guess we’ll discover it step by step, also I might be willing to try zeusing myself to find out)

Well this is all I can think of at the moment. 2nd zeus was super great, I think it is well worth one player less on the field ! Xander and Banana you are asking for our feedback here, but please post your feedback on 2nd zeus as well ! :slight_smile:

I would love to provide some feedback as the second zeus.

Initial planning
Before even going into the mission, [user avatar=“” name=“Xander”]12587882[/user] and I sat down to establish some sort ground rules. Clerify the secondary zeus’s objectives and so on. I Would say that this should happen, every time a new pair is matched up - since some basic understanding of each others intentions needs to evaluated to a degree. Furthermore we made a basic/rough timeline indicating when we wanted things to happen and where we wanted you to be - didn’t go as planned if you were wondering :wink:

Being the secondary zeus
I saw my role as an AI puppeteer, mostly controlling, setting up ambushes, controlling the static weapons for actually firing back at you etc.
example when you were treating the civilians, a chopper landed on the northern part - setting off troops (which apparently non of you noticed??) my job at that time was to organize the attack from the north while primary zeus was to set up the engagement from the second patrol village. (btw good fucking job [user avatar=“” name=“Ozzie”]11586380[/user] killing millions of AI in that assault)
Furthermore, when you were at the FOB, both xander and I controlled the armed offroad - unfortunately my AI bugged out, so I wasn’t able to aim down the scope. still i hoped to scare you a little bit. I was also the sniper in the first engagement you had, trying to pop tires in order to delay your advances. The static on the mountain was also me, firing back when you engaged - wanted to wait for you to come closer to setup the ambush.

Intel gathering
For the primary zeus it’s all ways a battle to tp around and gather intel - assessing the mood, too much downtime and so on. The secondary zeus do not have that limitation and do not need to worry about overhearing tactical planning of an objective - since the secondary zeus (in this case) is not in charge of spawning units - so if you were to flank complete around the map you would still be able to surprise the enemy.
It was valuable to overhear some conversations both in the FOB - how they got killed and why? did not seem to overhear the usual "I got headshot 500m away through trees and grass".

zeus vs player
In the first couple of engagement, I did not try and hurt anyone only shooting close by you. This might also be a factor to the low death count i seemed to noticed. correct me if i am wrong.
As the mission progressed this change to leg shootings and full on auto (spray and pray).

final thought
A lot of things were learned!
As a guinea pig for second zeus, i am very pleased with the results. It was a relaxed experience for a change, where most often when i have tried zeusing it has been stressfull.
I can definitely recommend having duel zeusing in missions that allow for it.
I god damn loved that the response was that the AI felt more fluid and didn’t do the crappy AI things!!

regarding the "mishap" with the initial arty strikes - i called in smoke as a spotter (coms with xander) but it changed to HE anyhow, and with a 45sec delay… things just seemed to be lucky for the AI and killed ASL… still room for improvement ofc. but things are going in the right direction!

Most of my points have already been mentioned but I’ll add on a few things as Lead for Engies.

Engies didn’t feel like we didn’t belong on that mission. It wasn’t really a defensive mission but it always felt like there was something for us to be doing, whether helping move the convoy or bandage civies. Even just running surveillance whilst Alpha clears towns. We rarely had a boring moment, even once we set up in the FOB position. (who tried running a sniper down the road btw? We had you spotted instantly)

Maybe in future I would like to see more buildables for the engineers. Felt like all we could really build was trenches. We had plenty of sandbags, but in all honesty they’re useless with how long they take to put down and arrange. Also, only one static MG (that I didn’t find till near the end) felt a little underwhelming.

On a technical side of things, Lead Engie spawns with a 152+148+343. I don’t know why this is but it needs fixing in the loadout.

That’s not a bug, it’s a feature - - the engineering team has a dedicated long range channel (so that individual members could coordinate over large distances when ie. driving a resupply truck from base) with everybody having extra 343 for emergency comms with the rest of the platoon (if leaders go down) and the lead engi having one extra long range for communication with platoon/squad lead. Basically exactly like pilots (one long range for Air net, one for PLT net, one 343 for emergency).

That’s not a bug, it’s a feature - - the engineering team has a dedicated long range channel (so that individual members could coordinate over large distances when ie. driving a resupply truck from base) with everybody having extra 343 for emergency comms with the rest of the platoon (if leaders go down) and the lead engi having one extra long range for communication with platoon/squad lead. Basically exactly like pilots (one long range for Air net, one for PLT net, one 343 for emergency).[/quote]

Ah. Well that does make more sense. I did ask during the OP and no-one informed me of this so I ended up just dropping the 152. Good to know now anyway.

I have a question, dunno if this is the right thread to ask it but it happened during this mission so.
A few times when Skippy was giving out instructions locally I could hear my radio going off when Alpha teams were communicating so everything was white noise. Is there a way to prevent this?

[quote user_id=“587584” avatar=“” name=“Shingi”]I have a question, dunno if this is the right thread to ask it but it happened during this mission so.
A few times when Skippy was giving out instructions locally I could hear my radio going off when Alpha teams were communicating so everything was white noise. Is there a way to prevent this?[/quote]

If you’re on the same radio channel, which we were occasionally, and they’re on the edge of the radio range then you will get white noise buzzing. It’s just part of the whole thing.

If you mean that everything was a cluster of noise, I suggest turning your radio down one notch of volume or putting it on one ear only. You can do this with CTRL+ALT+Caps (Volume adjust) or CTRL+Shift+Arrow keys (Ear control)

[quote user_id=“14911388” avatar=“” name=“Skippy”][quote user_id=“13633351” avatar=“” name=“Freghar”]
That’s not a bug, it’s a feature[/quote]
Ah. Well that does make more sense. I did ask during the OP and no-one informed me of this so I ended up just dropping the 152. Good to know now anyway.[/quote]

I keep forgetting that too, so sorry [user avatar=“” name=“Skippy”]14911388[/user] for causing you more hassle than needed. I’m still getting use to us having 3 radios. I thought the 148 was only for pilots, but it would make sense if engineers use this for their team net channel too. I’ll remember in future.

I heard it even though we switched to channel 2, although I did have 2 radios so could the second one still be transmitting somehow?

Yes, you would have been hearing the long range comms on that second radio. As I said, best lowering the volume and setting it to be on one ear only so you can keep a clear line of hearing for local chatter.

Yes, you would have been hearing the long range comms on that second radio. As I said, best lowering the volume and setting it to be on one ear only so you can keep a clear line of hearing for local chatter.[/quote]

ok yeah that was it then, thank you

I liked the mission, both in how it was zeused and in how we played. There were lots of nice little touches like FTLs arranging fire teams well for a defense and no one getting bored and wondering about. We had efficient and business-like communications and a nicely made little strong point from the engineers. The whole thing made me more certain of the value in having a platoon lead as well as a squad lead, even when we only have one squad and an additional specialist group.

On the zeusing side of things you guys made a relatively simple mission lots of fun with well balanced opfor and interesting objectives. It is nice to play a mission that is not filled with lots of "special features" but concentrated on running a more straight forward mission well. I love cool new stuff but it was nice not to have to worry about using some new feature or vehicle.

Please leave feed back, stories or videos about the event here

Eng/MMG with our expertly constructed sandbag wall