Coop: Machine gun Doctors

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MM - ensure you are not downloading all the repos in the same file in your PC, overwriting. If you are using arma launcher and steam - updates there and in our repo are not synchronised and will lead to mismatch version. Check if the right mods are ticked on.

Ideally delete your repos and reinstall Arma Sync, redownload.

Arma sometimes can be unforgiving, but ensure for next week Tuesday, that everything will be Ok, so the Corazol mission and today mission scenario will not repeat again.

GM - ensure during mission that those injured "invisible" units are on the minimum either by not healing them or purposely moving their Health bar on zero, so they will not get up anymore as you can not see if the gun is manned or not. Invisible AI’s are not Ok - it s extremely annoying to get killed by something what is not manned. (i know, it s Arma).


To be fair, I had no reason to suspect my earlier problems with A3 connecting would resurface, I THOUGHT, they were fixed. Clearly not. I’ve just done a clean install of all our mods and A3 and will endeavour to use this weekend to ensure my problems are fixed

[quote user_id=“18447842” avatar=“” name=“Mother”]
GM - ensure during mission that those injured "invisible" units are on the minimum either by not healing them or purposely moving their Health bar on zero, so they will not get up anymore as you can not see if the gun is manned or not. Invisible AI’s are not Ok - it s extremely annoying to get killed by something what is not manned. (i know, it s Arma).[/quote]

I never heal AI units and the bug is only present in the newest version of ACE and will likely be fixed. Recommend just fragging light vics for now until we get an ace update. As GM’s, we can be too busy to notice AI doing such a thing from time to time.

Again. The AI is NOT invisible. It is simply stuck in it’s downed animation, when it has already woken up and began shooting again.