Coop - Little Wings

Please leave feedback for the event here

[justify]I partially enjoyed this mission. The mission itself was quite good and straight forward. Three objectives with lots of shooty shooty bang bang, so fun times there. Communication in the squad and my fireteam were very good. Enemies were pointed/called out and taken care of in a timely manner. Calls from SL came to the right times and saved Bravo life a couple of times.

However, there are some things to work on. For example, Platoons’ plan to attack the second objective, was twice the same, even though the first attempt failed pretty badly. Attempting the same thing again, is a mistake in my opinion. Other than that it, the pan PL made looked very solid and worked quite well.

Squad formation do not work in hilly/foresty terrain. SLs be aware of this. It takes more effort and attention of trying to make the formation work than it provides benefits. In this type of terrain at most FT formation will work, even they may not be applicable all the time.

What ruined the mission for me personally was dying in the first 5 minutes of the first insertion. The first bullet that hit, killed me. Normally I’d just say, “well I guess that was bad luck” but because the same thing happened just last Tuesday I am quite annoyed at this. Waiting for 40 minutes is just not a nice thing and not valuing peoples’ times. The new medical system that has been posted 5 months ago should be finally applied, especially with the new more deadly AI. So i am really sorry if i was complaining at some point in the mission. I am just a bit frustrated with that. Sorry :([/justify]

[quote user_id=“16433725” avatar=“” name=“Flo”][justify]For example, Platoons’ plan to attack the second objective, was twice the same, even though the first attempt failed pretty badly. Attempting the same thing again, is a mistake in my opinion. Other than that it, the pan PL made looked very solid and worked quite well.

Squad formation do not work in hilly/foresty terrain. SLs be aware of this. It takes more effort and attention of trying to make the formation work than it provides benefits. In this type of terrain at most FT formation will work, even they may not be applicable all the time.[/justify][/quote]

I’m gonna quickly respond to that since I was PLT & talked about formations after the OP.
For the plan on the 2nd objective, it was not the same twice. The first iteration involved having Bravo as BoF & Alpha as the assaulting element with a 90° angle. When Alpha suffered heavy casualties & we retreated, the plan was altered significantly: Bravo & Alpha moved parallel to each other in bounding overwatch trying to come in contact as late as possible in order to have a squad reach the compound faster without having a BoF too far away from the objective as it was the case in the first engagement.
That 2nd OPORD was carried out effectively by both SLs with a single casualty from friendly fire.
That path may have felt the same for some members of Bravo & I’m sorry about that but the terrain was rather restrictive in terms of movement & Bravo played a completely different role in the assault.

As for formations, I agree that you cannot keep a strict formation in difficult terrain. However, the "spirit" of the formation can be maintained by making sure the fire is spread out in a similar way (full front if a line was called, sides & front if a wedge was called…) & by maintaining opened arcs of fire as much as is possible. Formations adapt to terrain but each one has a function to respond to a potential threat coming from a defined direction.

As for the mission itself, I very much enjoyed it. The oposition was well measured, hard enough that we had to rethink things on the fly & even call out retreats but still giving us a good chance to complete the objectives.
Communication on Platoon net was nice & clean, both squads did a great job in terms of reactivity & effectiveness. I’m sorry Churizo took so much heat from his team, it was a bit unsettling.
For the movement speed brought up by GMs, I thought it was rather standard. Taking time for recon & marking targets (especially after the first hot engagements) but exacting OPORDs quickly & effectively once they were decided upon.

Thanks Anders & Racoon for the enjoyable time!

Fear Factor:

I understand from this mission. The feel, the stress and why and how, we play like we play. Why it took a long time to prepare and re deploy back into combat.

Everybody was shooting from way way back at a certain point and even with no visual range, just not to die.

Fear of not dying and waiting a long time to come back to play. I got it.

Formations on heavy terrain:

This is self logical, normal. It is illogical to force some to do something on terrain, where your character or even in real life you could not move as you wanted.

Build bridges, not walls.

I was a bit shocked when i heard. That some one who was trying hes best to find a route and go around the enemy to kill it. Being that route deleted and forcing him to not think for him self and look like a brick on a wall.

You do not do that, to some one who is thinking with hes own head and is trying to make best out the peril situation.

This also sends a bad message to other players.

Acre problems:

At certain point, several players coms. just died out (mine worked). Plain and simple.

Conclusion from observation:

  • Fear factor of dying.
  • Forcing formations is taking fun away from the play.

So, I was bravo SL.

For me the game was rather double sided. I think we pulled off some good manoeuvres.
The bad side for me was the constant stream of complaints and people second guessing my decisions, I can assure you I’m doing my absolute best to keep us alive and maximize our fun. I realize you guys might think I can take into account 9 people’s possible plans and ideas but I can’t possibly keep track of that.

I hope, despite all of the shortcomings on every level, that you guys had fun.
As always I am open to constructive feedback

  • pretty good mission

  • nice choice of terrain

  • i had fun and felt the danger during those two attacks at beginning

  • i did like the attack was stopped and there was enough ressistence to be unsuccesfull at first

  • there were not too many magazines in ammo crate for ARs (AR at beginning = 4 AR in A+B = 7x4= 28 magazines by 100, if during firefight 4 used = 4x4 = 16 needed, I personally used 5 magazines until the first resupply and in crate were 2 last)

  • it took a loooot of time to resupply for the whole platoon

  • i think it s always good and important to run for some hard cover or even very small defilade

  • even 1 enemy in prone is dangerous as ppl not see him and it should not be underestimated as they shoot quick and acurate

  • it s important when AI is shooting at you rather také cover for 6-10 seconds than to try overshoot them (in my case) as they forget you in majority of time

I really loved the mission. The movement in Alpha (Bounding and general manouvers) made everything even better. I have to say: in my eyes as Alpha 1 FTL the attack on the second objective was perfect. I don’t know how bad it was for Bravo but let me tell you something. Under Bravo heavy fire and supression Alpha managed to get very close to the compound and was ready to attack. Problem one: we as alpha fired at the enemy bevor the initial attack and enemy turned around towards us. Problem Two: we had really bad timing as Alpha. The moment we started attacking enemy came up on us from the flank (initialy told us by Lead to be seen clear from Bravos position). The enemy jumped out of defilate the moment we started our attack. Would the attack have happend 2 min earlier or later everything could have worked out perfectly. I think Platoon did a great job in planning and we were just very very unlucky. I feel we Start to get again more effective in terms of movement. Keep it all up guys. We are here to learn, every single one of us. It’s always easy to be not happy with leaders or other players. Like i told many of you guys already. Always try to imagine that what ever order someone is giving, the way he is moving… there has to be a reason that you may not see right now. Keeps me away from beeing pissed if something bad happens.

One side note. GM is there to provide us a mission. If you die… it’s on you. Take responsability and think about all the stuff that could happen to you at every single moment. We can not think of Zeus getting üs troubles out of the way. If you play scripted mission you understand how quickly something can happen that you may think is not possible.

GM: maybe stay away of giving to many details on how you created the Flow of the mission…

I think this was a great expérience and i’m sad for all the people who had to suffer some sort of frustration. But even this will make us better players

(Autocorrection on phone is horrible)


Jesus… I need to reset my mic back

That is like an accidental ASMR video.